Example sentences of "[verb] walk [adv] into the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do n't want to walk straight into the barrel of Jack 's gun , do you . ’
2 But , this time , she was not going to walk straight into the trap .
3 Just as though he had not been going to walk past into the kitchen , he wheeled , and pounded up the stairs in front of her .
4 I remember walking out into the bright sunlight of a late summer 's day in central London thinking : ‘ Oh God , how the hell do I tell people ? ’
5 She loved to walk out into the villages where she would sit round the fire or outside a hut shelling peanuts with a family , so that she learned first hand many of the African customs and quickly mastered the language .
6 Israel proceeded to walk directly into the dybbuk 's slavering jaws , down to where its horrible heart was .
7 There was a sister watching us all the time , and when we went to walk out into the garden she said it was n't allowed .
8 Usually in Maytime she liked to walk up into the high mountain meadows to see the wild flowers , but this year she had no heart .
9 I had to walk out into the street to find my way home as if nothing had happened . ’
10 They walked away , and the exhibit , full of inertia and its own importance , continued to slide and pump long after they had walked on into the next display .
11 Her heart had taken wing as she and Mandy had walked down into the lodge .
12 She was self-consciously aware of the silk slip , the new bra next to her skin and she had walked stiffly into the room the butler ushered her into .
13 Doreen had walked out into the dark hall suddenly , and seen him walking back up the passage away from the kitchen door .
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