Example sentences of "[verb] up [prep] [art] country " in BNC.

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1 I 'm afraid Mr Steen has n't come up from the country . ’
2 A dozen of the company 's senior executives have been caught up in the country 's ever-widening corruption scandal .
3 Cara had grown up in the country too of course , but would n't walk anywhere if she could avoid it .
4 This is how the world-famous Codex Sinaiticus , a gift to Tsar Alexander III and one of the oldest known Greek bibles , turned up outside the country .
5 There was no reason , however , to link the unrest that was brewing up in the country with the Kamalian dictator .
6 You can see the cloud that brought today 's snow has been feeding up into the country from northern France and it will continue to do so for at least the next day or so .
7 If the past two years of desktop publishing has had an impact on the traditional typesetting market it must surely be reflected in the number of PostScript bureau that have sprung up around the country .
8 They were in obvious danger from the revolutionary " khomieths " that had sprung up throughout the country to enforce radical change .
9 The present writer was co-ordinator of the UUUC ‘ Advice and Relief Centres ’ of which several hundred had been set up across the country .
10 He suggested that ethical committees could be set up across the country to provide an independent source of advice for doctors and families , taking the matter out of the hands of the courts .
11 A computermail database network has even been set up around the country for fans to debate the killer of Laura Palmer , the lovely blonde homecoming queen whose body mysteriously washes onto a river bank near a lumbermill in the fictional Pacific northwest town of Twin Peaks .
12 A chain of self-help groups has already been set up throughout the country by concerned parents .
13 The strike call was endorsed and Local Councils of Action were set up throughout the country , to await events .
14 The four-day exhibition advising parents how their children can get the most out of their education is a trial run that could lead to more permanent advice centres being set up throughout the country .
15 Environmental pollution through smoke , de-afforestation , the development of conurbations ( large built-up areas ) or the use of nuclear power and the disposal of its waste products must be weighed up by a country 's government ( and the world community ) against potential income growth .
16 Mary was indeed brought up in a country far wealthier and more powerful than that which she was to rule .
17 The child is to be brought up in the country , and should learn by experience ; this is far better than sitting indoors , studying books .
18 Members of the Korean minority have started to question the exclusivity of a Japan which has denied citizenship and certain basic human rights even to those born and brought up in the country .
19 Yeah , oh yeah I remember it quite well I , I can remember that I , the only parts of Harlow I liked were the country lanes , I did n't like all the new houses , but then I 'd been brought up in the country
20 we were always brought up in the country , you know
21 And it it was , I mean I was brought up in the country and it , I found it really shocking that people had to live like that , you know .
22 I was brought up in the country , on a farm you know , so I 'll try and sort of make you know equal amount of flowers in each , and then er it can be halved .
23 I had a bit of an interest in gardens because I grew up in the country at Drewsteignton , but I always think I was very lucky to get that job at Castle Drogo — straight in as a single-handed gardener with no experience .
24 ‘ I grew up in the country , ’ she murmured , not sure why she had told him that because it had no bearing on the subject .
25 Fernando ( Jorge Sanz ) is a deserter who fetches up at the country home of Manolo , a lazy old artist .
26 Schemes similar to Horse Watch are springing up around the country , initiated originally by the British Horse Society .
27 Left : This quirky medley of feathers , birds ' eggs , driftwood and skulls shows how even objects you might pick up on a country walk can make attractive — as well as interesting — displays
28 Mark thought out his letter for the October number of the parish magazine , while Sophia sorted out a basket of quinces which her mother had sent up from the country .
29 Just goes there , chats to the landlord and comes back burning up down the country lanes as he goes .
30 After six months as a house surgeon at Essex County Hospital , Colchester , he set up as a country doctor in the New Forest , his amusing recollections of which appeared in St. Bartholomew 's Hospital Journal ( 1933–5 ) .
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