Example sentences of "[verb] what [pron] had said " in BNC.

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1 She looked with tentative excitement at Pat who , it seemed , did not know what she had said .
2 but Walter Long only noticed what they had said before they were excommunicated :
3 She believed what she had said and yet those last words had a curious prophetic ring — as if somewhere in those uncharted seas which man calls Time , they were echoing and re-echoing into the future .
4 Robyn screwed up her brow and tried to remember what he had said his other name was .
5 She hesitated , searching back to remember what she had said , and then she laughed .
6 She racked her brains to remember what she had said about Barnes to David Fairfax , but she had said nothing , only that he came from Woodlands Incorporated — and that , because she was still holding his card in her hand .
7 ‘ Your employer ? ’ he said gently , not probing , remembering what she had said on the first day .
8 Clenching his fists , rigid with rage , Angel advanced on her , translating what she had said for the others .
9 She wanted to scream and shout , to deny what he had said , but she knew it was no use .
10 He knew the river folk pretty well ; he could guess what they had said .
11 And Len had witnessed his reaction and this had prompted Len to do what he had said he would n't do again , and that was to try and persuade him to accompany him home .
12 It was accompanied by an image : Nevil standing in the dining-room and saying what he had said , the boy peeping and listening .
13 As she watched him striding up the beach she tried to consider what he had said but with his loss the full weight of her grief hit her with a thud that stopped her eyes , her ears , her brain .
14 She repeated what she had said , only louder .
15 Pakeezah repeated what she had said .
16 Ranulf repeated what he had said .
17 When Lili stopped speaking I wished I could ask her to repeat what she had said , but already she was lighting a cigarette and talking about linen .
18 He altered that to , ‘ Can you put the light out , dear ? ’ when she bashed him with the book and asked him to repeat what he had said .
19 All she had to do was get him to repeat what he had said in Seville — that he wanted her to stay , and she would .
20 If she was dead , Dad would forget what she had said and Alice would forgive her .
21 One month later Glassford was reported to be completing the work of preparing nominal votes , and in this his lawyer , who lacked experience in such matters , was being helped by the agent of Lord Dundas , who clearly considered him still an ally , but on August 6th , Glassford removed such illusions by making it quite plain that he meant what he had said about his price for support , and denied that he was in any way pledged to Lord Dundas :
22 Anne watched her for a few moments in stunned silence , trying to decide if she meant what she had said .
23 It was greeted in silence because no-one understood what he had said .
24 He understood what he had said , and nodded slowly .
25 'A' was what I needed the most , she gave me criticism and took what I had said to her seriously .
26 And then I remembered what she had said .
27 He remembered what he had said to Alexandra the night before : ‘ We need n't rush into anything . ’
28 She remembered what he had said about steering clear of married women , and she decided that they probably were n't , not that the thought gave her any pleasure .
29 His face flushed as he remembered what he had said about Mary .
30 And yes , she had meant what she had said in her note , that it 'd be nice to get together for a chat and … things .
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