Example sentences of "[verb] his attention [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Mere dared not silence , but neither could he see the value of , Emilia 's recurrent nostalgic reveries over their former life ; but he was deeply troubled when she drew his attention to the fact that the services of a curate could be acquired for as little as thirty pounds a year .
2 In his wisdom , Lord Mountbatten saw what was happening and , after his retirement in 1965 , concentrated his attention on the young Prince and became a vital figure in his life .
3 Convinced that the ploy was about to be put into operation , Manville concentrated his attention on the hood of the Dodge , just above the offside wheel .
4 He concentrated his attention on the trolley .
5 Frank Field , Labour MP for Birkenhead and also an Anglican , said Dr Runcie was right to attack government polices but he should also direct his attention to the Church , which was ‘ self-righteousness on stilts ’ .
6 Upon the use of ‘ Esq ’ or ‘ Mr ’ in addressing communications — a choice which Mr McBain is content to leave to instinct — perhaps one might direct his attention to the response of an old Ayrshire lady who received the suggestion that she should address a local worthy as ‘ Esq ’ with some bewilderment .
7 Returning his attention to the shelves , Kirov chose a large glass bottle of hypo and , skirting Zhukov 's body , retreated to the door .
8 DeVore turned briefly to smile at Berdichev before returning his attention to the scene on the other side of the one-way mirror that took up the whole of one wall of the study .
9 as if aware of her dilemma , Rune glanced briefly at her before returning his attention to the road ahead .
10 Had he confined his attentions to the Austrian provinces and Bohemia the story might have been very different ; but the nationalism of the Hungarians ( or at least their ruling class ) and the ingrained particularist conservatism of the Netherlands provinces , above all Brabant , proved too much for him .
11 Mr Stannard had turned his attention to the class performance lists .
12 Using the ‘ doctrine of signatures ’ — ‘ that many natural maladies carry their cures along with them , or that their remedies lie not far from their causes ’ — Stone had turned his attention to the willow , which ‘ delights in a moist or wet soil , where agues chiefly abound ’ .
13 He had had little to say to her since then , having turned his attention to the red-headed horsewoman she had today identified , from the servants ' gossip at the back of the church , as Mrs Covington-Pym She wondered what he could have to say to her now , not expecting it to be pleasant .
14 Having achieved that , he has now turned his attention to the rest of us .
15 He rose from the table forlornly , addressing his attention to the crease on his trouser leg .
16 Sergeant Bramble turned his attention to the kettle .
17 He turned his attention to the troops , who under the quick thinking extemporisation of their Sergeant were once again in some semblance of order .
18 He soon turned his attention to the districts which had been put out of the forest earlier in the reign .
19 He then turned his attention to the problem of the noisy cistern .
20 From this bad beginning , Vermuyden turned his attention to the great wetland system around Hatfield Chase , south of the Humber .
21 Outside , Damian ffrench-Farce turned his attention to the back garden .
22 Not content with this triumph , Joseph Thomas turned his attention to the groyne at the mouth of the harbour which attempted , not very successfully , to prevent sand from the beach silting up the harbour mouth .
23 Father Poole turned his attention to the curate standing by the door .
24 He scanned the print , seeing that it echoed more or less exactly the story Swansborough had just told him , then turned his attention to the photograph alongside — three people , obviously dressed for leisure .
25 De Tourville 's flagship , the Soleil Royal , and two other large vessels were promptly burnt and next day Russell turned his attention to the remaining 12 , every one of which , during the night of 23/24 May 1692 , and the following morning , was destroyed by the English fireships or by small raiding parties .
26 Grant turned his attention to the flickering one — and gaped .
27 When he next turned his attention to the matter , The Times leader writer had to explain to his readers that the law of debtor and creditor was as yet only in a transitional state and that a very unsatisfactory one .
28 Too excited at first to speak , he bent over to kiss her and then turned his attention to the child .
29 He turned his attention to the exploited — and , it was believed , unreachable — casual workers in the iron ore mines , women and men earning only a few rupees a day , living in squalor in dusty shacks on devastated hillsides .
30 Then he turned his attention to the small tape-recorder , which had faithfully copied the brief transmission .
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