Example sentences of "[verb] they [prep] [det] other " in BNC.

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1 They took their toys to The Priory Church of England School and sold them to each other to help the starving in Somalia .
2 Males have brightly striped fringes and flash them at each other when displaying during combat .
3 To illustrate this point , I have given an example of a pattern for a knitted rectangle here in all three types of pattern notation , so that you will be able to relate them to each other .
4 In terms of Weber 's call for adequacy both at the level of meaning and at the causal level , there is argument at both levels , which , of course , much complicates questions of how to relate them to each other .
5 Consider the rule that , when being with one person and meeting another , one should introduce them to each other .
6 Wooing first John and then Richard , Philip succeeded in keeping them at each other 's throats , or at Henry 's coat-tails , for several more years .
7 In their defensive exchanges , they ceased to value what had first so attracted them to each other .
8 Practical jokes were the order of the day during the making of The Jokers ; everyone played them on each other .
9 You can integrate them with each other , and the systems you have already .
10 Yeah , you normally write them in a straight line but when , when they were numbers I was writing them under each other cos it was easier to add .
11 When when you when you add them up just if you just put them under each other , it makes it very easy .
12 Why should they associate them with each other ?
13 Mere spatial separation does not divide them from each other .
14 They were arguing about whose fingernails were longest , thinnest and sharpest and thought that the only way to see would be by testing them on each other 's bony arms .
15 Our awareness of the area under discussion , and our capacity for exercising choice , will increase through the effort of applying them , and balancing them against each other .
16 She walked them towards each other , their clawed feet bent stiffly inwards , on the cold slate shelf : " How did you get shot , little brother ? " each asked the other in a high child 's squeak of imitation .
17 If the scope of reason is confined to refining and systematising imperatives and deducing them from each other , how can it ever change their relation to the spontaneous ?
18 Improving staff morale — Staff also felt that the care programme approach could help their morale and broaden their repertoire of interventions when the training process they received ‘ valued staff ’ and taught them about each other 's professional skills and local resources .
19 It is a body that simultaneously defines the continents and divides them from each other ; at the same time it knits together some of their distant and improbably linked civilizations , as well as their anthropologies and histories .
20 Both snails rub their penises together , and finally insert them into each other .
21 Goering and Ribbentrop keep bodyguards to protect them from each other .
22 An especially clear example is in the fabliau Boivin de Provins , in which the hero , Boivin , having deluded a household of whores into providing him with a meal and a girl for free , and having set them at each other 's throats , goes off to tell the provost of the town the tale , who in turn spreads the tale around , producing much mirth and laughter .
23 Foolishly , she had set them opposite each other .
24 What Frazer does is to take , in the case of The Golden Bough , rituals and myths , and aspects of folk lore , from this society and that society , all over the world , and compare them to each other .
25 Graham did n't mind Slater knowing about Sara — he had introduced them to each other , after all — but he wanted to keep this day private .
26 H. B. Silverman and M. J. Dunbar watched narwhals off Baffin Island and repeatedly saw males cross their tusks and strike them against each other .
27 Companies that use computers have been connecting them to each other for a decade , often using AT&T 's telephone lines .
28 The only real way to check this is to remove the inlet manifold and gasket and look at the camshaft lobes , comparing them with each other .
29 The comparative method in sociology will be discussed in chapter 3 , but essentially consists of the sociologist assembling data about several societies or social contexts and comparing them with each other , with the intention of explaining the causes of any variations .
30 They then began to play a game which involved tearing pieces off the aircraft and hurtling them at each other .
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