Example sentences of "[verb] not been easy [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It has not been easy on three hours sleep a night .
2 Life has n't been easy for Patsy McGowan 's troops of late .
3 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
4 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
5 It has n't been easy for people across the country it has n't been easy for businesses and it has n't been easy for the government to do it .
6 You know , it has n't been easy since — since Alison .
7 Raynor paused , looking down into the half-closed eyes , and saw Grainne smile , and saw , as well , that despite her apparent tranquillity , she had been nervous , and that it had not been easy for her to come to his room .
8 It had not been easy for him to gain readmission .
9 It had not been easy without existing contacts in the region , and their reports would have to be treated with caution for a while , but on the whole he felt he had achieved as much as could have been expected .
10 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
11 It had n't been easy at first ; he was n't her father and all she remembered of her own father was blows and shouting .
12 The past 10 years have not been easy for the profession .
13 ‘ It 's not been easy for the chairman and his board seeing us stuck on the bottom of the table , ’ said Clough .
14 Things have n't been easy for Nora since your father died . ’
15 ‘ These last two days have n't been easy for me . ’
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