Example sentences of "[verb] not [verb] [adv] far " in BNC.

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1 Primitive , that is pre-literate , societies of the present period also exhibit restrictions on the instincts , but have less physical security because technology has not developed so far .
2 However the government has not gone as far as it might have .
3 In some areas , mechanisation is replacing labour although in the countryside this has not gone as far as on North American farms .
4 The good news is that the most common infestation , by the woodworm — or anobium punctatum or furniture beetle , call it what you will — can be treated , so long as it has not gone too far into the timbers , at a cost of a few hundred pounds .
5 If the work has not gone too far , there is often some blank page , or part of one , where these can be noted ; otherwise they will normally be printed on a special slip or leaf which can be ‘ tipped-in ’ ( lightly attached by glue or paste at the inner edge ) .
6 The Welsh Health Planning Forum has developed differential targets along these lines for the NHS in Wales , but in general the rest of the United Kingdom has not progressed so far .
7 It is whether the pendulum has not swung too far in the other direction , so that the vitality , resourcefulness and dynamism of the modern corporation is sinking under the weight of excessive regulatory controls .
8 The Journal has not got very far in finding out where the applications are expected to come from — or how the thing will be marketed .
9 Our intimacy has not proceeded so far .
10 The study of industry by economic historians has progressed apace , but the understanding of industry in its landscape has not advanced very far .
11 ‘ THE shareholders must be hoping the bank has n't gone as far as to give him a company credit card ’ — Labour leader John Smith , on ex-Chancellor Norman Lamont 's new employer , Rothschilds Bank .
12 But I think it was , " it has n't happened so far , so why should it ? "
13 What has n't happened so far , though , is a DOS application of the Windows environment that really feels like Windows and the integration of sound into a graphics package .
14 However , lack of cover leads to the birds feeling insecure so they tend not to stray too far from the hen house .
15 Better to eat off an orange box and get pleasure from a plant than to spend the money on a cheap and nasty table which is going to be an unsatisfactory stopgap Save money and effort right at the start by sorting out priorities — which should include enjoying the room you live in — and try not to stray too far from your original objectives .
16 The light of the lamp did not reach as far as the high ceiling , and the fire had burned low .
17 The noise of music did not reach this far , but the voices of the women , who chattered away at full blast , were just as loud .
18 She would make sure she did not go too far , or too soon .
19 Even the otherwise haughty Surrey committee was moved to complain about this lack of common courtesy , though naturally they did not go so far as to suggest meals should be taken in common .
20 Predictably , she was not sympathetic to the boisterous ways of a young teenager , though she did not go so far as a Mrs Dudley who complained to Bloomsbury House that one of her fifteen-year-old lodgers , Willy , had ‘ broken the beading on a wardrobe and had also broken a chair ’ , offences which most parents of healthy teenagers would have accepted as part of growing up .
21 He did not go so far as to offer to guide them onward to Gilsland , by night , since that would have been to insult the Armstrongs , Jardines and Johnstones .
22 They did not go so far as to learn the language of the peoples they studied , but they did spell out for later writers the ground rules of such research .
23 In that particular case the judges pronounced in general on the right of free speech , but did not go so far as to appoint experts to ascertain whether the accused was right in his criticism or not ( see The Art Newspaper No.14 , January 1992 , p.1 ) .
24 The indecent assaults did not go as far as the rapes but were ‘ equally repulsive ’ .
25 The question of images in churches was further addressed by two sets of injunctions issued by Cromwell in 1536 and 1538 , but even here the reforms did not go as far as some iconophobes would have liked , as they drew back from condemning all images and denounced only those that encouraged ‘ superstition and hypocrisy ’ and ‘ that most detestable sin of idolatry ’ .
26 The majority of the National Executive did not go as far as Marchbanks but warned several of the leading participants in the Petition campaign that disciplinary action would be taken against them ( as against Cripps ) if they continued in their support for it .
27 He thought she might be on the point of offering him a nip of whisky but she did not go that far .
28 Personally , I prefer the notion that this structure , whatever it was , did not open very far at this time and soon closed again .
29 A recent claim by an accident and emergency consultant in Sheffield that children , and even adults , could regrow their finger tips , providing that the injury did not extend as far as the terminal or end joint , was greeted with considerable scepticism by the medical profession .
30 the right of privacy did not extend so far as to confer a protected right on consenting adults to pursue their own choice in the matter of watching obscene and pornographic motion pictures within a theatre … [ even one ] not open to minors and which gave patrons due notice of the kind of entertainment provided .
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