Example sentences of "[verb] it [is] [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 With regard to things we do not know it is more difficult .
2 John wrote to Hanns during rehearsals that ‘ Lionel and Lillian say it 's most difficult pas de deux they 've ever had to do . ’
3 He accepts it 's extremely difficult to come up with conclusive evidence that violent films cause violent behaviour , but that a series of studies in America 20 years ago suggested it was a factor .
4 ‘ We have contingency plans for a major incident like this but when it happens it is very difficult to cope .
5 He says it 's very difficult living like this but there 's no other way .
6 Professor Costall says it is very difficult to be accepted as a research scientist in Japan particularly as a woman .
7 Once ruined it is extremely difficult to put right .
8 As the above story shows it is often difficult to think of the obvious .
9 Oh that 's good I could n't you see it 's very difficult for me you know I have to look up there I can never distinguish one one one call from another .
10 With Old English Sheepdogs it 's sometimes difficult to tell — but who wants a dog that walks backwards ?
11 Because the source is less easy to trace it is more difficult to judge the legitimacy of the rumour .
12 As you know it is very difficult just to turn your attention away from unpleasant feelings , especially since these feelings are a signal of stress .
13 Though , using Letraset to title them is not easy to do , you know it 's very difficult to keep them on a straight line .
14 Now , when you 're trying to distinguish whether it 's idiomatic or not , do n't , you know it 's very difficult to find the fine line between something which is formal , and still idiomatic , and something which is idiomatic through being too colloquially informal .
15 Yeah well this is , this is you know it 's very difficult to run in the water
16 Thank you Mr for your support , I know it 's very difficult er , you know , in your past as a lawyer , in consequence I think that your er allergy towards this is , is a highly commend
17 but you know it 's really difficult discussing this topic without people sniggering and getting all upset .
18 The introduction of smoke into a gas flow without unduly disturbing it is rather difficult except in wind-tunnels specially designed for the purpose .
19 I suppose it 's pretty difficult really .
20 In the course of one chapter we find the following phrases , in this order : there seems no explanation on Darwinian grounds It is no easier to explain It is hard to understand It is not easy to understand It is equally difficult to explain I do not find it easy to comprehend I do not find it easy to see …
21 Because the body clock tends to ‘ run slow ’ , advancing it is more difficult and this explains why it takes longer to adapt ( see Table 11.3 ) .
22 Of course I understand it 's most difficult for you , you 're struggling with your Scottish Protestant conscience .
23 I find it 's very difficult in these ovens to , you know a normal oven you could sort of put things to the bottom that you 've already done .
24 There is a steady shuffle of people leaving once the film has started as they find it is so difficult to follow that the experience is frustrating .
25 And when you 're learning them , you know it 's alright now but when you 're learning it 's very difficult .
26 We 're not saying we ca n't we we we 're against proposal we 've had to take on the market person but until that finance situation is eased it 's extremely difficult .
27 You know I mean it 's really difficult you know they go to the toilet they wan na have a crap you know
28 there are but I mean it 's it 's silly for people to say once a man is sexually aroused it 's quite difficult to stop is n't it ?
29 Both Britomart and Radigund forgot their skill in battle ( whether they also forgot their feminine nature or revealed it is more difficult to determine ) .
30 I think it 's blooming difficult .
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