Example sentences of "[verb] it [coord] put [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the morning erm we got some bread and put it on the window and came down and we caught it and put it out again .
2 Ruth shall unpack it and put it on you .
3 It 's perfectly acceptable to thaw food , such as meat , cook it and put it back in the freezer .
4 We have to get special stuff called bulb fibre and wet it and put it in a bowl and then we plant our bulbs in it . ’
5 I 'd find something as er pretty near to what I wanted , you know and I could perhaps , and did , use what 's called beeswax a lot , you know and er warm it up and ply it and put it onto er something to make it to what the shape I wanted , you know .
6 Well can you empty one of those and put it and put it in that bucket .
7 she fetched it and put it on table
8 Rinsed the bowl under the tap , shook it and put it away .
9 I washed and sterilised it and put it on the hall table , beside the front door .
10 And yet the personal bitterness still rankled in the heart of the fire , and as it had kindled it , so might it sour it and put it out .
11 I tossed the wallet into the high grass and counted the money again before I folded it and put it in my pocket .
12 The trouble was , he thought , as he signed the paper , indecipherably , with his left hand , folded it and put it into his jacket pocket , he did n't know much about thallium poisoning , and even less about the making of lenses with a high refractive index .
13 I took the cheque , folded it and put it in the back pocket of my jeans .
14 Well , meas , measure it and put it down so
15 I 'd tied my jacket round my waist first thing in the morning : now I untied it and put it on .
16 It was weighty with water now cold , but he limped to the lavatory with it , emptied it , cleaned it and put it back on its hook .
17 We 'll probably wait for some boring moment on the tour and go over it , collect it and put it in a book for posterity ! ’
18 Discussion of immorality was particularly problematic , given the strongly held belief that to name it and put it into discourse was a dangerous incitement to further acts of depravity .
19 Then the bruiser produced a letter , the bearded man gave him a bit of a stony look , but took it and put it in his wallet .
20 " [ T ] he language of an exemption clause is prima facie to be construed against the person who drafted it or put it forward … [ and ] the language of an exemption clause must be sufficiently explicit to disclose the common intention of the parties without straining the language " ( Cumming-Bruce LJ in Acme Transport Co Ltd v Betts [ 1991 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 131 ) .
21 you lose it or put it beneath glass ,
22 He did not eat it but put it in his pocket , where it would lie forgotten for months .
23 Yeah but what you could do , Nancy will be really responsible about things like that , you can say to her if a big fat Housing Benefit cheque comes for me cash it and put it in my bank .
24 The next stage is to implement it or put it into action .
25 And they try to institutionalise it and put me down .
26 Jim told him and Ted said , ‘ I 'll go and get it and put it back , then I 'll cover it up until that museum chap comes . ’
27 And erm somebody like Mike of Chris is perfectly capable of get their bits of paper to check to tick off things like that but Wendy will have to check it and put it you know they could do some of the legwork but not yet .
28 There should be one point at which we can put it and put it in just that one place .
29 Ludens folded it and put it in his pocket .
30 Well , you take that out of the stream , take it home , bake it , powder it and put it in a box ; and you use oils with it the same as you do for the milch .
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