Example sentences of "[verb] it [verb] [conj] though " in BNC.

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1 We said god look at this , you know it looked as though it had been painted
2 I know it looks as though he was being filmed in a prison cell .
3 She would only have to sit still and clever stage lighting would make it appear as though she were naked .
4 Erm he decided to stage a fire in which it would make it appear as though er this was a result of some sort of erm armed confrontation between law enforcement and his group .
5 Although on occasion he functioned as leader of the Congress movement , the ascendancy he achieved over it was purely personal , and he could make it seem as though he played with it at will .
6 He continued as if she had n't spoken , his voice dropping to a level of intimacy that suddenly made it feel as though they were alone , not being listened to by thousands of people .
7 Often the tensions made it appear as though there was a ring of invisible men sitting outside the circle of women , a silent audience whose approval we often still needed .
8 His disgruntled voice made it seem as though the precautions of the drug smugglers formed a personal affront to his patriotism .
9 After a little tense silence that made it seem as though the very air were holding it breath , he said very evenly , and with dangerous softness .
10 He hated definitions of apostolic succession which made it sound as though a lot of laying on of hands from century to century was a bit of magic by which God preserves his Church .
11 He made it sound as though the reason was obvious .
12 She made it sound as though this were something illegal .
13 He made it sound as though she had given his sermon to the messenger boy .
14 He made it sound as though it was the most wonderful thing in the world .
15 He made it sound as though he would be doing the region a favour , not erecting a gaudy , intrusive , unaesthetic and , in her opinion , entirely superfluous tourist attraction !
16 ‘ The analysts finally said that what we were doing was not the problem — the problem was that we made it look as though the truth was being dragged out of us .
17 ‘ You 're thinking that the aunt killed him and made it look as though he 'd done it himself . ’
18 An early goal by the visitors made it look as though we were heading for our nineteenth League defeat of the season , but thanks to my inspirational coaching from the touchline , new boy Kev Knowles levelled the score on the stroke of half-time .
19 Though he was the descendant of a family who had done this sort of task for generation after generation , George nevertheless made it look as though he were acting .
20 So he turned round the second he did , and made it look as though he was waiting for the woman he 'd just tried to kill — when they were walking along together …
21 I suppose you thought you 'd paint Paula in a bad light and make it seem as though she could n't be bothered to go .
22 Foucard said : ‘ You make it sound as though he is the most boring man in the world . ’
23 You make it sound as though you cared about my welfare ! ’
24 ‘ You make it sound as though we had a reasonable discussion , instead of which you threatened to throw me out — no matter what .
25 ‘ You make it sound as though there are juggernauts forever roaming around , ’ Ashley said tetchily .
26 ‘ You make it sound as though life is passing him by . ’
27 ‘ I 'm making it sound as though the little hut was some sort of brothel , but it was n't like that at all .
28 Too late in the day because all the hotels are full and I end up tramping round in the dark , lugging my pack and money ( cash , a great wad of hard currency ) , nervous of the hatchet-faced youths who watch me meandering round , concentrating so intently on making it look as though I know exactly where I 'm heading that I soon have no idea where I am on the mapless streets of Algiers .
29 She said it looked as though Francis had n't been home all night and she was worried . ’
30 From what Morse said it looks as though he was trying to flog it in some under-the-counter deal , but I do n't see how it helps us . ’
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