Example sentences of "[verb] it is [adv] difficult " in BNC.

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1 With regard to things we do not know it is more difficult .
2 ‘ We have contingency plans for a major incident like this but when it happens it is very difficult to cope .
3 Professor Costall says it is very difficult to be accepted as a research scientist in Japan particularly as a woman .
4 Once ruined it is extremely difficult to put right .
5 As the above story shows it is often difficult to think of the obvious .
6 Because the source is less easy to trace it is more difficult to judge the legitimacy of the rumour .
7 As you know it is very difficult just to turn your attention away from unpleasant feelings , especially since these feelings are a signal of stress .
8 The introduction of smoke into a gas flow without unduly disturbing it is rather difficult except in wind-tunnels specially designed for the purpose .
9 In the course of one chapter we find the following phrases , in this order : there seems no explanation on Darwinian grounds It is no easier to explain It is hard to understand It is not easy to understand It is equally difficult to explain I do not find it easy to comprehend I do not find it easy to see …
10 Because the body clock tends to ‘ run slow ’ , advancing it is more difficult and this explains why it takes longer to adapt ( see Table 11.3 ) .
11 There is a steady shuffle of people leaving once the film has started as they find it is so difficult to follow that the experience is frustrating .
12 Both Britomart and Radigund forgot their skill in battle ( whether they also forgot their feminine nature or revealed it is more difficult to determine ) .
13 Of course , you could n't , but poor little severely malnourished children are often given a , a kind of gruel which might be healthy , but to get them to eat it is very difficult , so kids , lots of things happen and .
14 In that setting it is very difficult for our " propaganda " to be as effective as it might otherwise be .
15 The same applies in flying instrument approaches : although it is a stable instrument platform , care is required since the flap limiting speed is around 100 knots , and even with the power back to around 15 ’ of manifold if the aircraft is allowed to descend before flaps and undercarriage are deployed it is very difficult to bring the speed back .
16 Once that has been achieved it is very difficult for a competitor to come from behind .
17 I would agree it is always difficult for small Associations to achieve sponsorship but as the saying goes ‘ if at first you do n't succeed … ’
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