Example sentences of "[verb] it all [prep] your " in BNC.

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1 I 'm only meant to use one tablespoon of it in a whole basin of water and you 've gone and put it all over your head neat !
2 short hair would suit you cos you have n't got it all over your face have you ?
3 We 're sure that having come this far you wo n't want to miss out on anything and we really do recommend you join us on these trips as it can be very expensive if you try to do it all on your own .
4 Decorating 's a tiresome enough chore without having to do it all on your own . ’
5 Love the ultimate four letter word and were about to use it all over your television screen .
6 Your bladder holds your water , but your balls contain that lovely , sticky stuff which you waste by spreading it all over your bed .
7 Go buy a case of champagne and pour it all over your dick .
8 She knew you could not possibly manage it all on your own .
9 Looks like you 've spat it all over your top did you ?
10 ‘ Every single drop of water going in to your house has been expensively treated to make it drinkable , so do you really want to spray it all over your car ? ’ said Kent Meters Marketing Director Terry Stoten .
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