Example sentences of "[verb] in mind [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The drop down from Meall Corranaich and back up to Beinn Ghlas was a great deal more substantial than I would have wished at this point in the walk , keeping in mind that I was hallucinating from the effort of the chase and the subsequent lack of oxygen managing to get anywhere near my lungs via a mouth full of clenched teeth .
2 He began anagramming , twisting letters round , keeping in mind where they had been going , where Mary was still going …
3 ‘ We do have to bear in mind that we need to achieve high standards of training , but we also have to recognise that this does have a cost element , ’ Mr Armitage says .
4 But you have to bear in mind that we are doctors , and as such we should really do what we 're trained to do — and are expected to do . ’
5 Yes , but I mean I know you 've er lived in the area , er so erm , perhaps I should invite Mr Walker or Mr Diffin to make a if you look , wish to bear in mind that we have seen the plans
6 ‘ You have to bear in mind that we are coming off a very low base , ’ said Mr Heather .
7 But one has to bear in mind that it is always possible that you could have other materials for riding and so on .
8 Mm , you 've got to bear in mind that it is actually erm it is n't something you can take for granted , it is something that is a given thing and that er , it can be taken away , that 's the main thing , but
9 It is important to bear in mind that he/she has a defined social position in the local community , which in turn gives rise to a varying social role in relation to the interviewees .
10 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
11 This is a particularly important point to bear in mind when it is realized that many technological developments operate at the edges of life , whether they be ventilators or incubators .
12 Another point to bear in mind when you are taking a camcorder away with you on holiday is that you may wish to do check replays of your recordings on a colour set as you go along .
13 Here are some attractive places to bear in mind when you feel like a day 's outing .
14 If you wo n't water them regularly , they die — even in a fairly miserable , rainy summer — and that 's something you really do have to bear in mind when you 're planning a garden which includes them . "
15 Erm the remaining seventy two percent are entirely separate from this and obviously that 's a a very important point to bear in mind when you consider the level of allocation that 's been made first of all , and secondly the likelihood that if that is successful , first of all if it 's approved , if it 's recommended by the panel and eventually taken on by the county , and secondly if happens , then it is likely that it will result in skewing of the workforce even more towards the manufacturing sector of the economy and would in our view be contrary to the aim of diversification of the economic base .
16 In deciding to take no action against the licence , Mr Peter said that he bore in mind that it was due to be renewed shortly when he would want a report on the company 's arrangements in regard to drivers ' hours and records .
17 Erm that in fact er whether it 's been on board accurately by the report er or not is , is a matter for er question , but it was something that they bore in mind when they where reaching their conclusion , so they believe that they have taken it into account .
18 To impose such a test on children would be a particularly invidious way of discriminating against them , unless Harris has in mind that we should all undergo such examination .
19 We have already seen something of what Hobbes has in mind when we considered his idea of the generation of a circle .
20 It seems that this dynamic view is closer to what Brooke-Rose has in mind when she describes her use of metaphor in the novels as recontextualization through the fusion of discourses .
21 All this , but with examples drawn from chess instead of from whist and bridge , is what Wittgenstein has in mind when he says that the term ‘ language-game ’ is meant to bring into prominence the fact that the speaking of language is part of an activity .
22 This intimate connection between the metaphysics of death and the politics of life is precisely what Nizan has in mind when he refers to revolutionary literature as " the modern form of tragedy " .
23 Now many commentators have found it not entirely clear what Locke has in mind and I 'm puzzled by erm the confusion into which they seem to have fallen .
24 Three-year and two-year diploma students should bear these figure in mind so they have some idea of what is going to be involved when they make an application for a further education grant to their local authority .
25 One project that Warnke has had in mind since he came to Hamburg in 1982 , has been finding more space for the art history department , and to this end he has had his eye on the former Warburg house with its famous oval reading room , conceived by Aby Warburg and opened to readers in 1926 , one year after his death .
26 The possibility of Wimbledon playing Cambridge United in a near-empty stadium is hardly what the Premier League creators would have had in mind when they were formulating their ideas .
27 Certainly it is the Pound of the London years , who had profited from Ford Madox Ford 's pronouncements on diction , that Phyllis Bottome must have had in mind when she wrote :
28 If you read his book you will see that what he seems to have had in mind when he coined the phrase about man being " an invention of recent date and one perhaps nearing its end " was something like this .
29 It was n't what Peter had had in mind when he had thought of the picnic .
30 He won that actually on appeal because he said he needed to raise the funds for a project he 'd got in mind and they allowed him twenty eight days in the first year , he now carries on fourteen days without planning permission every year , but give him credit he does run it very well , er and you can not fault him , but we in our area do actually issue licences , you can not have a car boot sale or market stall without a licence and I personally have run the charity markets in er the village high street and got a licence at the cost of a pound .
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