Example sentences of "[verb] be live [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This week Tom has been living on a glass of water , half a cup of tea and just one small dinner a day .
2 ‘ If someone has been living on the streets for a number of years he ca n't switch over to an organized life in a couple of days … it is too sudden .
3 A man who has been living on the verge of success for so long now he 's been elected mayor , PIERCE TURNER is nonetheless happy , And with one of the year 's best albums , ‘ Now Is Heaven ’ , under his belt , why should n't he be ?
4 Sentence was delayed on the mother , Celia Palmer , aged l8 , who was remanded to stay in the hostel where she has been living during the trial while social and probation reports are prepared .
5 Data to be published shortly draws on experiments including observations of Freddy , the dolphin that has been living off the Northumbrian coast for four years .
6 STEPHEN HENDRY has been living under a Fatal Attraction nightmare since September .
7 Clark has been living with a Jarvik 7 implant , connected to a separate air compressor , since 2 December last year .
8 He has been living in a succession of ANC havens .
9 To what ex what I 'm saying is , To what extent has been living in the flats , has contributed the life on the flats that they 're in .
10 The young man has been living in the USA .
11 For twenty years my life has been lived within the Left , and the companionship and creativity of many of the people I have met have changed me .
12 People who are blind can not judge the colour of light , people who are totally deaf can not assess the wonder of a Mendelssohn sonata , and people whose whole experience of life has been lived in the darkness of materialism can not fully appreciate the holiness and perfection of God who dwells in light unapproachable .
13 But of course , th , I 'd been living at The Haven then , next to the butcher 's shop .
14 ‘ I feel as though I 'd been living under an anaesthetic for years and years . ’
15 Nothing of her true nature , not even — and here Pavel had been holding his breath at the back of the Border Control 's interrogation room — where she 'd been living for the past two years .
16 What would these people think , I wondered , if they knew he 'd been living like an Apache most of his life and right up until a little while ago ?
17 He 'd been living in a £500-a-week hotel suite in Nottingham , spending £2,000 a month on clothes .
18 Since I 'd been living in the flat , Shadwell had been coming to see Eva at least once a week , during the day , when Dad was at the office .
19 I 'd been living in the country with my wife when she died unexpectedly .
20 so we started to look for something and I wanted a bungalow , I did n't want to house again , just the two bedrooms I thought would be nice , so what we did we found this bu er this bungalow in er out of Crewe in Haslington and er we put up our house for sale , it cost seventeen thousand , five hundred and this bungalow we bought seventeen thousand , six hundred and fifty , so all I had to add was one hundred and sixty pounds , to sell the house , but the house needed change all the windows to put all the windows and the doors because they were all rotting in , you know , because the houses built er before the second world war and er what we did we put up the and in three months ' time , it in three months ' time my house went and we were moved , in September we started to sell , in January we 'd been living in the , in the new bungalow and then about three years later they built a row of bungalows on the other side where there should , should of been , they kept the land , it should of been shops , but then they changed their minds , they did , they did n't build the shops , but they built all these bungalows again on the other side , you 've been to my home , yeah , so the road that , over the road these bungalows were about three years later than ours and they were going down for thirty two thousand pound , and I bought mine for seventeen thousand seven sixty at six fifty , yeah
21 Often many years elapsed before the village farmers built their new houses , however inconvenient it may have been to live in the centre of the parish and to farm on the boundaries .
22 ‘ The person who put this together must have been living in a box for the last 10 years . ’
23 The best known is that , where there is a gift to a class of children living at a particular date , a child en ventre sa mère at that date but later born alive will be treated as having been living at the date and thus included in the class .
24 They seemed to have been lived by a different person .
25 To marry by certificate the couple need to have been living in the district for seven days before applying .
26 To pretend as the sister said , that because she and another sister share lesbian sexuality , that that is the only thing , I think is living in a fools paradise .
27 Britons who think inflation has been exorcised are living in a dream .
28 After a barrage of love letters and phone calls , Gless was horrified to discover that the woman had been living under the floorboards of her house for at least six weeks .
29 The fact was that Algy had been living for the last year with a working-class architect called Len in a basement flat in Maida Vale .
30 Her East Coast American accent deceived most people , it was so like , and yet in some ways so unlike , that of the society in which she had been living for the last six months .
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