Example sentences of "[verb] the [noun sg] limit [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Policy Advisory Committee strongly advised that 13 should remain the age limit on the ground that girls of 12 are at a vulnerable stage of their lives , in particular because they are usually in their first year at a senior school and there is a risk that they will imitate the behaviour , including the sexual ways , of older girls .
2 Further uncertainty surrounded the administration 's proposal to increase the borrowing limit of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation ( FDIC — the government body which underwrote the security of most but not all private bank deposits ) from its current $8,400 million to $70,000 million , in the light of the continuing spate of bank failures .
3 where you have missed the time limit for presenting an unfair dismissal application ( the normal limitation period for bringing an action for breach of contract in the civil courts is six years , rather than the strict three-month time limit for pursuing an unfair dismissal claim ) ;
4 New figures show that 3 in 5 motorists break the speed limit on motorways .
5 The Stereos are a showband , idiot joy notwithstanding , they turn the grubby and inauspicious Marquee into the Harlem Apollo within minutes , fanning the fire limit into a regular blaze without so much as an ‘ everybody in the house say ‘ Ho ! ’ ’
6 Where the bus , and you know where the buses park and everything , that used to be all sidings right under that bridge that 's got the weight limit on
7 If you wish to send an item that exceeds the weight limit on your pre-paid SWIFTPACK the excess is charged at normal airmail rates .
8 A claim may be received for a piece of jewellery or a valuable , which is not specified under the policy , but the value of the item exceeds the policy limit for unspecified items .
9 The 9 and 11 June amendment widens the scope of the categories of objects concerned and increases the time limit within which a claim for restitution can be made from thirty to fifty years , removing it altogether for objects in state or ecclesiastical ownership .
10 Their attempts to lower the age limit to sixty-five failed , but drove Lloyd George to protest that the measure was only an experimental ‘ beginning ’ in a new field of state action and beginnings needs must be cautious .
11 This affected only a few thousand people , however , and on June 9 there were protests over the restrictions by Israeli employers whose businesses were threatened , forcing the authorities to lower the age limit to 25 and drop the 10-employee rule .
12 Section 290(2) of the Public Health Act 1936 states that any notice requiring remedial works to be carried out must indicate their nature and also specify the time limit in which they must be done .
13 These provisions were deemed discriminatory under the EC Equal Treatment Directive and consequently the 1989 Employment Act raised the age limit to 65 years for women .
14 The time limit in Ord. 53 suffers from three major defects : first , the basic limit of three months is too short and may , indeed , be contrary to EC law ; secondly , not even the three months is an entitlement : a case may be struck out for undue delay even if brought within three months ; and thirdly , there is a discretion to extend the time limit on vague grounds , and this creates uncertainty .
15 At the same time revisions of transport legislation , to improve road safety and to extend the width limit on lorries to comply with international standards , were approved by 898,718 votes ( 52.8 per cent ) to 803,540 ( 47.2 per cent ) .
16 This time Myeloski broke the speed limit without hesitation .
17 The society , which claims wide support in the Commons and the Lords , will campaign against embryo research and aim to introduce its own amendment to reduce the time limit for abortion to 18 weeks .
18 Nine of the 28 subjects were found to have been exceeding the speed limit on at least one of the four occasions .
19 Speed camera records showed about 11% of drivers exceeding the speed limit in July 1990 compared with over 20% before the campaign .
20 These included raising the age of consent to eighteen , abolishing the notorious ‘ escape clause ’ ( allowing male defendants in assault cases to claim they believed the girl to be over sixteen ) , extending the time limit for prosecutions and criminalizing incest and male importuning .
21 Andrew Golightly Ltd is applying to Durham County Council to vary planning permission for opencast mining and a drift mine at South Brandon , Brancepeth , by dropping the proposal for the drift mine and extending the time limit for restoration of the site .
22 The survey also shows , however , that the Chancellor could sweeten the pill by extending the time limit on capital allowances to help counter the late payment of debts .
23 On HLCAs they recommend paying the maximum EEC rates to the areas of greatest handicap ; lowering the stocking limit per hectare or linking HLCAs to the area of rough grazing on a farm so that farms with the most rough grazing receive the greater payments .
24 It was agreed to discuss lowering the age limit to five years with parental consent in cases where there was no obvious bony injury that required an X-ray .
25 The government announced on Aug. 5 that it was lowering the age limit to 20 for those seeking an exit visa to travel abroad .
26 The Synar bill tried to limit PACs directly and replace some of the money lost through campaigns by increasing the contribution limit for individuals .
27 Announcing that Scottish companies and local authorities had raised more than £230,000 , George Hunter , the Games Council secretary , said that this would allow the time limit for achieving qualifying standards to be extended to the end of December .
28 The decision to raise the spending limit from £36 a person to £140 means people can now legally bring in cameras , CD players and jewellery .
29 He reveals the ambivalent attitudes at the heart of the Age Concern movement , and describes as a ‘ cop out ’ the proposal to raise the age limit of office from 65 to 70 .
30 ( 4 ) defines the time limit for the giving of reasons laid down by subs .
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