Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] we be talking " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly , they let him down and one said , ‘ This guy does n't know what we are talking about or he would not ask , ‘ Who is he ? ’ '
2 ‘ I do n't know what we 're talking about , sir .
3 ROS : ( Furious ) He wo n't know what we 're talking about — What are we going to say ?
4 Yes I just want to explain very quickly for people who do n't know what we 're talking about , Leslie , because a lot of people join us by the minute , er , MPs on the Commons ' Heritage Committee , have said , they think it 's a very good idea , that if you have more than one telly , you should pay twenty pounds for the second one , and who knows , twenty pounds for the third , and twenty pounds extra for the fourth .
5 It has become apparent on some of the issues , some of the comments that we made that was if I could call it the you 'll know what we 're talking about and I do n't if we are talking about the there was there was a point somewhere where talked about ing an increase or short of journey time along the ring road and this has been taken as I understand to be that we are setting out an increase of speed er traffic on the sections of road to a junction and that 's totally in force and it was either .
6 First of all , perhaps if you could all let everybody else know what we 're talking about , what your particular skill is .
7 Now if the child can not interpret and relate the symbols to the animal , then he 's left wondering what the symbols mean , he ca n't relate the symbols to understanding that a cow is spelt verbally as C O W , and he 's left quite mystified , and he does n't know what we 're talking about .
8 You do n't , you do n't even know what we 're talking about do ya ?
9 I do n't know what we were talking about then .
10 The majority , however , did not really understand what we were talking about and were unable to gain anything useful from us .
11 Remember what we were talking about this morning how things have changed in service in shops
12 But we ensure we first know what we are talking about .
13 No toilet paper , long queues , one cubicle … you know what we 're talking about , but now we want to know the best of the worst .
14 Sub-text : ‘ We both know what we 're talking about here . ’
15 ‘ You know what we 're talking about .
16 He hung his great belly over the box and explained confidentially to the jury that they need n't be frightened of the so-called scientific expert witnesses because none of us , including himself of course , really know what we 're talking about .
17 " We 've got to protect our reputation and we have to make sure that we know what we 're talking about " said Weir .
18 We will have to be very sure that we know what we 're talking about when we meet them to persuade them that we need their funds more and we can make better use of them and we hope to raise around half of that twenty five million pounds from them .
19 So is n't it good for us rather than quibbling , rather than criticizing , and recognizing that we 've all got different abilities and perhaps if you had n't got one of those abilities there , the , the body that it speaks about , you see every part plays a part does n't it on our physical body and so we are in accommodation , we all have a part to play , and that 's the way we , we grow you see and we mature and we become better , able , equipped to go out and tell others , gives us confidence as well if we know what we 're talking about , that way we can learn , so never quibble about assignments and arrangements , never criticize brothers and sisters in the congregation .
20 I do n't think they do , this is just like a sample , , so we know what we 're talking about and we do n't .
21 So give us some indication of what sort of press release it was so that we know what we 're talking about in the
22 Then , course then they used to hav when the man stood in green , I knew a fella named which we was talking about a little while ago and he had a pair of lady 's stockings which he used to put over his shoes to stop the grain going in and some of these people in the and , they used to have erm , like er string soles with like calico boots and they used to tie them on tight .
23 Trying these out helps to ensure that we actually understand what we are talking about and what the beliefs actually are .
24 In understanding design-society relationships it is crucial that we understand what we are talking about when we use the word " design " .
25 I would make sure the child knew what we were talking about in terms of the test and confidentiality and the limitations of the test itself .
26 But I I th I think what we 're talking about is the fact th that Ma you know he 's writing in nineteen twenty seven , that , that he 's not quite sure about the means to an end , he 's sort of writing he , you know , it 's , in a way it 's like writing an essay
27 I du n no what we 're talking about here !
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