Example sentences of "[verb] [Wh det] i be gon " in BNC.

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1 Now I 'm sure you 'd like to know what I 'm gon na be teaching next week apart from this so if you 'd like to read ahead , we 'll be looking at decision-making in organisations , okay ?
2 I think , as a student I do n't know what I 'm gon na do and with the present erm grant system and bursary system it 's it 's even more frightening because es especially towards women , it does discriminate against women and that 's why less women are going into higher education
3 And when I put this phone down , Tod , d' you know what I 'm gon na do ?
4 Er , yeah I was going to but I do n't know what I 'm gon na do really .
5 I do n't know what I 'm gon na do tomorrow .
6 And he told me , he told me , I 've got it written on the back of me hand I thought it was brilliant that , I thought little do you know what I 'm gon na use that for he never phoned me for a , he 's not phoned me for
7 She 's got I do n't know what I 'm gon na do .
8 I do n't believe it , paid all that money for a digital said look at the about stuff , at the end of the day they , he is five a side football stuff like that , had I 've been thinking about joining again , but I do n't really know what I 'm gon na do after Christmas now even Karen said she would n't mind joining but I tried , I managed to put her off that idea .
9 I really do n't know what I 'm gon na do .
10 It was late at night and I decided , I was just sort of talking I 'd say , I ca n't get rid of this headache , and I do n't know what I 'm gon na do , I do n't whether I should just not worry about it cos I 'm not that old , and I was really pouring my heart out to him , and he turns round and he says , yeah , you need a new clutch you really need a new clutch .
11 Did n't know what I were gon na do with her .
12 Yeah , but what , I do n't even know what I was gon na say to you .
13 I 've forgotten what I was gon na say !
14 Erm , are you going to erm oh I 've forgotten what I was gon na say
15 And you mum I 've got yeah , will do erm I 've forgotten what I was gon na say now .
16 I think the only , the essential difference is , is that erm I 've forgotten what I was gon na say now .
17 I 've forgotten what I was gon na say !
18 not giving me much chance to get done what I was gon na do though
19 I 'll see what I 'm gon na have
20 Oh , it 's alright , I 've forgot what I was gon na ask .
21 Got coming up Friday well it means that I you know which I 'm gon na have to do anyway Saturday , so I 'll take him in and I 'll go down early
22 Ju just get what I 'm gon na have this week .
23 I know what I 'm gon na put in I 'm gon na put in
24 I know what I 'm gon na do .
25 I know what I 'm gon na do for practical .
26 I know what I was gon na do .
27 Oh I know what I was gon na say to you .
28 I 'm a growing girl I need my nutrition oh I know what I was gon na have .
29 Oh I know what I was gon na say
30 Oh I know what I was gon na quickly go through the , I was going through the training was n't I ?
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