Example sentences of "[verb] [to-vb] [art] [noun sg] around " in BNC.

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1 It has become the means for distinguishing between leases and licences , the latter being the means by which lawyers sought to find a way around statutory controls regarding the levels of rent and security for the tenant .
2 Baldi , who had been watching the show , now tried to find a way around the Jaguar for himself .
3 Under such circumstances it was programmed to select an orbit around the largest near planetary mass , emitting a distress signal until it was recovered .
4 He tried to fit the image around the word ‘ quaint ’ , or rather the nearest Trob equivalent , which was ‘ that pleasant oddity of design found in the little coral houses of the sponge-eating pigmies on the Orohai peninsular ’ .
5 This system may be considered to model the flow around one of the loops of the Lorenz attractor , and so is a model of a model .
6 for anyone who has a programme with potential outside their own country , who wants to have a look around the industry for themselves and is interested in the television process ( in all its manifestations ) .
7 ‘ I just want to have a look around it .
8 I trudged back to the city centre and tried to have a look around the main shopping district , forced to sprint squelchily from doorway to doorway and from one dripping awning to another ; but it was hopeless .
9 Swayze now plans to drive the car around Europe while promoting his new movie City Of Joy , which is released in Britain next week .
10 Perceptual lenses ground at home and school provide the youth with the equipment he uses to see the society around him .
11 ‘ We 've experience of two kinds of Darkfall , ’ continued Gilbert , still looking to find a way around Cardiff , the words still spilling out of him .
12 Even as the flames seemed to deepen the blackness around them , the light gave comfort and a sense of security .
13 Finally , it is becoming increasingly evident that scientific enquiry is an ongoing narrative through which generations of thinkers have sought to understand the world around them , and also that narrative as a mode of knowledge can be used as a means of accommodating the logical paradoxes of contemporary sciences .
14 His subtle satisfaction seemed to permeate the space around them .
15 It was decided to stop the car around junction 16 to minimise the danger to the public and prevent any escapes .
16 A formal pool often serves a different function from an informal one , for in an appropriate setting it is often used to mirror the garden around it .
17 The general also said the Bosnian Serbs had agreed to observe a ceasefire around Srebrenica starting from today .
18 ‘ I 'm going to pass a rope around the flywheel and spin the engine with it , ’ He moved two small levers on top of the engine , ‘ That 's the decompressors , when the engine turns flick one of those back and it should start . ’
19 The dykes he dug to create the farmland around Hatfield Moors can still be seen , harbouring the aquatic flora of the ancient fen : butter-yellow bladderwort and the feathery spires of mare's-tail .
20 white and light green oxide were used for the dabs of pale green on the lining fabric , and a scumble of pure white was used to highlight the grey around the backs of the shoes .
21 As arms tire you may like to fiddle a tape around the obvious thread , though it 's probably better to continue .
22 ‘ You 've got to wrap the strap around your foot . ’
23 Eric was going to do a trip around the world when he left Mayall , which eventually became a trip to Greece .
24 There were probably machines that could have lowered and pulled up the basket easily , but he 'd preferred to loop the wire around a pillar inside the Ship and , with Pion helping inside , to pull themselves up and down by sheer nomish effort .
25 But is it not true that wherever it is , we 're not going to build a wall around it , to keep them in .
26 As the service tunnel is driven probes are used to test the ground around the heading and remedial work is undertaken where necessary to strengthen the ground or prevent water penetration .
27 She had been going to take a walk around Mariánské Láznë , had n't she , so a three mile walk or so up to Vendelin Gajdusek 's home would n't be so difficult , would it ?
28 Tradition has it that , after King Ladislau lost the Battle of Varna in 1414 , he vowed to make a pilgrimage around the world armed as a Knight of Saint Catherine of Mount Sinai .
29 This had the effect of slowing the rate of rotation as the Sun was induced to emulate the filament around it .
30 She began to untie the string around it .
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