Example sentences of "[verb] [pos pn] eyes [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 She narrowed her eyes to send the close out of focus , and painted in broad splashes of border colour — a bank of lupins there , clumps of huge red poppies over here .
2 She narrowed her eyes to catch the first mosquito smudge of distant cormorants — give them till daylight , she told herself as if you can command their flight !
3 She lowered her eyes to avoid the priest 's glance .
4 Dogs , for example , and many mammals , rely heavily on their noses for close-range perception using their eyes to scan the wider horizons .
5 These dark red molecules do not absorb far-red light , however , and the piranha 's far-red shifted vision allows its eyes to pierce the gloom .
6 She dropped her eyes to study the contents of her glass .
7 Luce became aware of sunlight lying like a warm caress across her closed lids , and opened her eyes to find the shutters throwing tiger stripes of light and shade across the bed .
8 The sky was still grey and menacing and both sisters allowed their eyes to comb the white mantled slope of the moors for some evidence of life .
9 He allowed his eyes to review the column of chrysanthemum seedlings in the pots arranged beside the small greenhouse .
10 At last the big bully grated to a stand-still , and opened his eyes to see the effect on his little friend .
11 Patrick carefully opened his eyes to find the three faces staring at him ; the look of satisfaction on Eddie 's face , contrasted sharply with Collins ' look of admiration , and Jane 's shocked expression .
12 Some birds certainly use their eyes to follow the geographical features they see below them and have a mental map by which they steer .
13 Close your eyes to perform the exercises .
14 He smiled his thanks , allowing his eyes to meet the girl 's , and Kate found herself uncurling fingers that had suddenly dug nails into her palms .
15 When she saw Mike in the pit — Mike who had helped her dam the slurry lagoon four years before — attaching a cluster to one of a line of cows , when she slapped the flank of that cow , and shut her eyes to inhale the air loaded with the smell of blood-warm milk , udderwash and cow breath , she was utterly content in the conviction of her seamless permanence .
16 ‘ Ah , well , ’ he shrugged , rubbing his eyes to get the sleep out of them .
17 She waited breathlessly , pressed closely into a recess in the outer wall , straining her eyes to catch a glimpse of the men as they came within the orbit of the flambeau .
18 It was full moon , Inspector , ’ Miss Tilley rounded her eyes to help the Inspector with this concept .
19 You may open your eyes to check the time , but do not use an alarm .
20 I closed my eyes to inspect the patterns , but only the burning after-image remained , fading like the glow on the metal plate .
21 But she did n't give us the satisfaction of raising her eyes to confirm the fact .
22 She managed a light laugh but had to blink her eyes to prevent the gathering tears from falling .
23 He fell silent , staring broodingly at the picture , and Kathleen closed her eyes to stop the tears from overflowing .
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