Example sentences of "[verb] [subord] [pron] saw the " in BNC.

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1 Er right welcome back B B C Radio York Whaley 's on until er two this afternoon and before we do anything else er a little bit I saw in the paper , Unions about turn , that 's the shop workers ' union known as USDOR erm have done an about turn and they now say because they saw the writing on the wall , that they think Sunday trading is okay , well more or less .
2 Erm , I mean headquarters as from adminis , the administrative erm part of it I do n't know whether you saw the Barnardos This is Your Life lady
3 They used to giggle and splutter when they saw the old man , thinking of him sitting on a toadstool in the moonlight .
4 ‘ No , ’ Connelly shouted as he saw the glowing rings and felt their heat .
5 The mischief in my veins cooled as I saw the fear in his eyes .
6 She stopped as she saw the look of annoyance on his face .
7 The Imperial troops posted to defend the river gates from Kislev fled when they saw the green horde stretched out across the horizon and advancing at full speed towards them .
8 They would start to jeer at the company , but stopped when they saw the Hearthware sashes and the Myrcan staves and whispered amongst themselves .
9 Mrs Joe was saying as she came out of the kitchen , ‘ The pie — has — gone ! ’ but stopped when she saw the soldiers .
10 He stopped when he saw the twisted grin on Luther 's face , and it made him remember with a falling heart that this man was not his real father .
11 He stopped when he saw the car and made as if to turn back .
12 Some indeed , Ramsey recounts , supposed as they saw the fires in rioting Bristol reflected in the night sky , that the English revolution had begun .
13 ‘ My heart sank when I saw the hill . ’
14 SHERYL Garratt says her heart dropped when she saw the ages of the jury .
15 I almost had a Vulcan mind melt when I saw the colour graphics on this version of Star Trek .
16 I almost had a Vulcan mind melt when I saw the colour graphics on this version of Star Trek .
17 Wait until she saw the elbows of his pullover .
18 Tomorrow they 'll try and put up a sign to ask anyone who was passing if they saw the accident , yeah ?
19 I was passing when I saw the gates not shut properly , so I thought I 'd best come in and see if everything was all right at the house … ’
20 From outside it looked like a faded bell but within was a brilliant and sumptuous chamber of fiery gold adorned with most exquisite tapestry , and it moved me as much as I was moved when I saw the dome of the Blue Mosque at Isfahan , the most beautiful building I have ever seen .
21 Returning from a London party , he was driving down Radnor Walk when he saw the unmarked vans parked by the kerb in front of Tweed 's terrace house .
22 My memory was vaguely stirred when I saw the authors ' name .
23 Fabbiano would not mind if he saw the girls beginning to blend in with the guests .
24 Lieutenant Simon Doggett waited at the crossroads and frowned when he saw the blood on Sharpe 's arm .
25 Write the Captain 's log for the period that starts when they first saw the strange " whale " and ends when he saw the Monongahela for the last time .
26 His compassion intensified when he saw the other inhabitant of the bed — a small , shabby teddy-bear .
27 Quite unable to stop herself , she too reached out to stroke the satin-softness of his skin , her eyes darkening as she saw the many bruises that came from trying to control the incredibly fast cars that flew so low and hard round the Grand Prix circuits .
28 ‘ If you 're wakeful I thought you might like company in the shape of Emma — ’ He stopped , his eyes narrowing as he saw the expression on her face .
29 These are often documents that were never included in the original audit — perhaps never existed until someone saw the potential of the new system and decided to exploit it .
30 His eyes narrowed as he saw the outline of a helicopter by the side of the mansion .
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