Example sentences of "[verb] [vb pp] over [art] period " in BNC.

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1 Priddle and Heywood ( 1980 ) regard antarctic lakes as forming an evolutionary series which has developed over the period of about 20 000 years since the ice-sheet was maximal ; this is in any case a convenient way of describing them .
2 Its share of total industrial activity has varied over the period but the figures for the late 1960s are representative .
3 This study examines specific resources — various types of labour , capital and materials — used by the hospital sector to quantify the degree of substitution that has occurred over the period 1951 to 1981 .
4 Answer guide : To provide a guide to the way in which a business has performed over a period of time .
5 In the case of the urban riots , it is the nature of the television coverage which is in essence inciting other young people in different parts of the country to civil disobedience , whereas in the case of football violence , the implication is that the perceived lack of moral leadership by the broadcasting corporations has led over a period of years to a general moral climate in this country which fails to provide adequate controls over the behaviour of the nation 's youth .
6 An examination of Figure 6.1 reveals that , whilst each of the groups considered has gained over the period 1979 — 89 ( due to the tax and benefit changes discussed above ) , the greatest gain was made by the richest tenth of the population .
7 CHESAPEAKE BAY Has created over a period of about 17000 years .
8 My belief is that our good practice has evolved over a period of more than 50 years and that it has developed in classrooms through the dedicated expertise of British teachers enjoying the relative freedom traditionally allowed within our education system .
9 The figures below show how credit use has changed over the period covered by these three surveys .
10 Allowance will be made for the early payment of a lump sum to the employer which he would have earned over a period of time .
11 People 's eating habits and food preferences are learned ; they are habits that become ingrained over a period of years .
12 Eisenhower had presided over a period of grim Cold War tension which he , like most Americans , believed had been caused by the ambitions of world communism .
13 At the university here we have got two or three groups in which we do know how to do that and especially the work that I 'm associated with , again the arts undergraduates , we have developed over a period now of something like six years , ways of giving them confidence , and it 's amazing to see what happens .
14 the subscriptions and withdrawals that you have made over the period
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