Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] do not want " in BNC.

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1 Its leaders say it does not want to be responsible for any disturbances .
2 Did he intend everyone in the castle to know he did not want the wife he had married in such a hurry ?
3 The parents have said they do not want their schools to be self-governing but they see the legislation as the only way to avoid closure .
4 He says he does not want to privatise loss-making state industries , or change the labour laws that make it virtually impossible for an employer to fire any employee .
5 Lola kept track of patients whose personalities were as variable as the weather ( ‘ One minute Paul says he does not want his wife any more and the next he has changed his mind ’ ) , she listened to their grievances ( ‘ Josef thinks he is fit to work and look after himself ; says he is being kept a prisoner … but he is very confused and deluded ’ ) and even mediated between doctors ( ‘ Dr Freymann said … it must be a genuine case of epilepsy … but …
6 Taylor says he does not want to get involved in emotional situations — but football is about emotion , and it disappoints me that Taylor does not want to show his .
7 Company secretary James Anderson says he does not want to set foot in Teesside following the collapse of negotiations to open a prestige caravan storage site at Middlesbrough .
8 Julian Spalding , the director of Glasgow museums , says he did not want to ‘ create just a museum of Christianity , because that would be of limited appeal and too narrow in range . ’
9 Councillor Waugh has said he does not want council money spent to benefit private-sector operators under the Government 's privatisation plans .
10 More than four out of ten men gave this as their reason for taking temporary work and only 16 per cent claimed they did not want a permanent job .
11 This list is exclusively for things you definitely know you do not want to do , for example , 1 .
12 She sensed she did not want to hear anything else .
13 City sources indicated they did not want a wide-ranging Budget that would tackle much-needed reforms such as mortgage tax relief and that it would be better for the Chancellor to do as little as possible .
14 He showed no surprise when Blanche told him the number plate of the car was false , and Nowak emphasised he did not want the police to press charges if the driver was found .
15 Your Insurance Certificate will be forwarded to you as soon as the Home Improvement Loan arrangements have been completed but if for any reason , you then decide you do not want the cover , you may return your Certificate within 14 days for cancellation without any charge .
16 at least even I never stooped to sending a circular round Community and Environment saying we do not want the danger of officers actually talking to the public and if there 's any credit , Councillor got to have it .
17 They say to others what we believe they want to hear , or refrain from saying what we believe they do not want to hear .
18 Residents of the Morfa flats are saying they do not want to live here ever again . ’
19 Brendan Ormsby 's transfer from Leeds United to Cardiff City was called off yesterday after the defender decided he did not want to play in the Third Division .
20 She knew she did not want to be an employee or to set up on her own and accepted a position as Recorder on the South-East Circuit while looking at the appointments pages in the newspapers .
21 God knew she did not want him lowered by doubt , or by pain , or by despair , as Lulach had once seemed to accuse her .
22 They were both speaking in the slightly lowered tone that meant they did not want to be overheard , and were only having the discussion at all because they believed Belinda to be safely out of earshot .
23 Ferguson also confirmed he is to report Kettering referee Brian Hill following last weekend 's clash at Bramall Lane after insisting he did not want the official to control United 's games in the future .
24 it 's like the , cos I keep saying if you must do those F's you do it at school I said , but do not do them for me , I said if you do I do not want to see them , but again you 've got a conflict there between home and school
25 There were substantial differences between men and women , with four in ten of the former giving this as their principal reason and only 16 per cent claiming they did not want a permanent job .
26 He says he wants a compromise acceptable to Britain and its partners — which means he does not want to stop other countries moving towards EMU .
27 She said she did not want him staring at her , she wanted a bit of her life to herself ; without having to share it with Randolph Ash .
28 She said she did not want any fuss , that she was fine , and everyone over there has been marvellous . ’
29 Mrs Knight said she did not want to part with her belongings but was ‘ dumbfounded ’ by Bruce 's actions .
30 She said she did not want any birthday presents unless they could be enjoyed by everyone , so her friends spent £500 on young trees and got permission to plant them around the town .
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