Example sentences of "[verb] [noun prp] [prep] the arm " in BNC.

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1 Laura grasped Maggie by the arm .
2 Forster paused , caught Delaney by the arm , and pointed .
3 The Major caught Carew by the arm .
4 As they turned a corner on the path , the clerk suddenly stopped and grasped Ranulf by the arm .
5 Nicholas caught John by the arm and they stood , their backs pressed to the wall .
6 Jahsaxa poked Zambia in the arm .
7 Frustrated , Delaney shook Lawton by the arm .
8 The old man 's gaunt face broke into a smile and his thin blue-veined hands clasped Corbett by the arms .
9 Nevil was leading Jo by the arm towards a white Ford Sierra .
10 Marc took a step forward as if about to restrain his younger brother by sheer force , but again Sarella stepped between them , hands outstretched , grasping Peter by the arm , though she was careful not to touch so much as the edge of Marc 's sleeve .
11 The international at Lansdowne Road in 10 days could be traumatic for Ireland , whose only successes since January 1988 have been achieved against weak opposition which , oddly enough , includes Wales at the Arms Park last February .
12 I reckon they should do tea here , I 'm getting really bored of coffee I tell you I heard Georgina scratched Ben across the arm
13 The only all-First Division tie of the round takes Maesteg to the Arms Park to take on top of the table Cardiff .
14 Peter touched Sarella on the arm .
15 He touched Philip on the arm .
16 He touched Pugwash on the arm .
17 Talbot touched Cousteau on the arm .
18 Well , Monty kept punching Clark in the arm out of sheer exuberance .
19 One Saturday evening she takes Howard by the arm and leads him away from the crowd round the pool and the bar , out of everyone 's earshot .
20 Jacobsen flew back to Washington for the ritual photocall with the president at the White House on 7 November and when reporters asked Reagan about the arms deal story the president said it had ‘ no foundation ’ .
21 Business was brisk , shopkeepers even running out to grab Corbett by the arm and offer a pie , a piece of cloth , fresh fish from the Firth , almonds , nuts and raisins brought in from the nearby port of Leith .
22 Joshua grabbed Hyacinth by the arm — she had been looking as if she were about to attack her victim 's other eye — and steered her away .
23 He raced up to them and grabbed Harry by the arm .
24 Nana 's rage struck like lightning ; now she shot from her chair and grabbed Martha by the arm , dragging her into the stuffy gloom of the bedroom .
25 Rohmer grabbed Gilbert by the arm with a curiously disappointed look on his face , pushing the smaller man ahead of him .
26 Athelstan rose , grabbed Cranston by the arm and hustled him out of the room , closing the door behind him .
27 He grabbed Rohmer by the arm and swung him around so that he was forced to look him in the face .
28 He took Kelly by the arm to where a man in dark robes was in earnest conversation with a girl in a skimpy black T-shirt with ‘ BIMBO POWER ’ scrawled in white across her chest .
29 She took Kelly by the arm ; terrified , Kelly allowed herself to be led away like a little girl .
30 And if you think I 'm to be taken in that easy , Miss Jennifer , then think again ! " and muttering to himself that it was as great a pity to see women weep as geese go barefoot , he took Ann by the arm and went back into his house .
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