Example sentences of "[verb] [adv] expected to be " in BNC.

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1 He had certainly researched Grantham and Marsh and the testimonial Sebastian had purportedly given her was in line with the high regard in which she had been told she was held by the company , although she 'd hardly expected to be given such a glowing recommendation .
2 The two pitches of VII , which we had innocently expected to be the crux , were rapidly overcome with the confidence that comes from prior knowledge .
3 The speech he delivered at Labour Party 's headquarters in Walworth Road , at the moment he had confidently expected to be entering Downing St in triumph , was the most moving I have heard from any British politician since Churchill .
4 She had fully expected to be dismissed the next morning , but nothing was said and she did n't ask .
5 Sabine had half expected to be taken round to some tradesman 's entrance , but Marie-Christine led the way to the main door , chattering nineteen to the dozen , clearly relieved that her mission was almost accomplished .
6 She had never expected to be beautiful , and she was startled to see how nearly she approached a kind of beauty .
7 She had never expected to be beautiful because nobody had ever suggested that she might be so .
8 ‘ I must say , ’ answered the pregnant girl , ‘ that I had never expected to be as tired by anything as I was during those awful nights in the Blitz when sleep seemed something one would never have again — but this is worse ! ’
9 She had never expected to be this close to him again .
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