Example sentences of "[verb] [pers pn] [subord] soon as " in BNC.

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1 The Princesse came to greet them as soon as they were over the threshold .
2 Winston was picking a team of folk from all walks of life to see them as soon as they could .
3 Commander Adam Dalgliesh is coming to see me as soon as they 've finished with whatever it is they 're doing at the church .
4 Australia 's marsupial mammals give birth to their young when they are still in fetal form , and — unlike most placental mammals — are able to abort them as soon as conditions turn harsh .
5 Juliet smelled them as soon as she was inside the house .
6 It is advisable to float them as soon as they arrive in a bucket of water until you are ready to plant them .
7 You can start vibrating them as soon as your have laid a few metres .
8 Does he stand his ground and look as though he is going to punch you as soon as you come into range ?
9 Recalling my dream , I thought it strange that , having gone to sleep wretched and fretting about Toby , I 'd completely forgotten him as soon as I lost consciousness .
10 If it were Oliver he would have called out to her , come to meet her as soon as he heard the key in the lock .
11 She had telephoned him as soon as she got home , and he 'd come straight to the villa , arriving in a whirlwind , his personality magnetic as always .
12 Did you know I feel that if I thought ( and if you ever did , I should know it as soon as the thought had crossed your brain ) you doubted my perfect love , truth , sincerity and striving for goodness , I must indeed give up all the good I have gained , and gain daily , by your love and mine .
13 Anyway , I think I shall take this she should know it as soon as Yeah I think there 's nothing you , you have to take a you know , nothing under three thousand , even that is cheap for days , is n't it ?
14 I have two rules with pruning ornamental shrubs : if the shrub is like jasmine or forsythia and flowers before midsummer , prune it as soon as the flowers have faded .
15 It took them what she reported it as soon as the office opened and they 'd done it at about ten twelve time .
16 two defenders coming up , they 're probably going to get to me so I 'm going to pass it as soon as I get it .
17 She 's Miss Brady , ’ he told them as soon as they rose from their knees .
18 of course if she told me as soon as she 'd done it
19 When my husband takes his shirts off I have to wash them straight away — like he wears two shirts on Sunday and I wash them as soon as he takes them off .
20 And give them , done them as soon as you like , get done as soon as you like .
21 " They 'll rape you as soon as look at you , " she had said .
22 I 'll show you as soon as the others arrive . ’
23 I told him as soon as he arrived . "
24 ‘ Barney 's as thrilled as I am , ’ Cara replied , revealing that she had phoned him as soon as she 'd read her mail .
25 I am giving them the most careful and thorough consideration , and I shall reach a decision and announce it as soon as I can .
26 He put out an arm and dropped it as soon as it touched her , as if its contact stung him .
27 He must have written it as soon as Barbara had telephoned the news and had sent it round by one of his nurses who , in a hurry to get home after night duty , had n't even stopped to hand it in but had slipped it through the letter box .
28 Maisie had gone round to the passenger door of the Volkswagen and was standing , one hand poised to open it as soon as Henry should unlock it .
29 The Tories cut it as soon as they got back in power .
30 I 'll do it as soon as I 've finished the hen . ’
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