Example sentences of "[verb] [adj] bits [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Oliver sat alone in the corner , eating old bits of bread .
2 Their newspapers provided odd bits of information , such as plutonium-poisoning maps that frightened readers rather than reassuring them because they did not know how to interpret them .
3 How can we criticize it , how well does it actually fit into what happened in the real world , they just want little bits of information but not too much depth on anything but always remember empirical evidence examples are very important what I would do is using those examples or la last year 's exam paper , practise , practise the short answers because you ca n't write very much detail in it so it 's a good idea to have some idea about how much you can write , then your expectations will be changed okay .
4 She received random bits of memory , tried them in different patterns , hoping to make sense .
5 Often SSDs had a series of people leading different bits of implementation or more than one person thought they were in charge ;
6 Well , the market will probably be up a year from now , and if he holds shares in all the ex-state companies ( 36 , less two taken over ) his risks are tolerably spread , with worthy water companies balancing clouded bits of aerospace .
7 If there 's anything embedded in it like gravel or something and it does n't come away easily you must n't , it comes under the categories of what you call foreign bodies , which first aider is not at liberty to poke about , you must leave foreign bodies that do n't come away easily where they are and bandage them round and send them off to hospital or a doctor , but assuming it 's just a little clean graze , if I have n't got a tap to put it under , then I must use little bits of gauze to wash , put in a bowl of water and just wipe , yeah , and you always wipe obviously from the centre of a wound towards the outside , otherwise if you start to wipe across the whole thing you take dirt from one side of the wound across and drop it off in the middle somewhere , so you wipe from the centre out and throw that piece away and you take another piece and wipe from the centre out and so on until you feel happy , quite happy .
8 ‘ What the fuck are you talking about ? ’ he exploded , spraying small bits of bacon across the table .
9 Farmers ' ingenuity in designing new bits of farm machinery and modifying existing tackle has always provided a rich source of features for this magazine .
10 Once that has been completed the scaffolding will be removed and the Banco di Roma will provide indefinitely for a team of gardeners and maintenance officers to keep the upper walls free of weeds that grow in the crevices , loosening small bits of masonry and concrete that are then dislodged by birds or lizards .
11 Ninety per cent of filing cabinets are repositories for useless bits of paper containing useless bits of information .
12 After David had been there a couple of weeks , I used to go off doing odd bits of work in London , working as a journalist , although I was n't very keen on that side of my life at the time — there were other things that interested me more .
13 Elderly women were more likely to find a home with the children than were elderly men , doubtless because they were more useful as babysitters and in doing odd bits of sewing .
14 First of all they have enormous and very efficient and reliable memories for retaining simple bits of information .
15 After about an hour Birkett began to be very busy about the room collecting a saucepan and a baking dish made of hammered-out tins and chipping little bits of wood for a fire .
16 They seem to have a reasonably clear meaning , and have the merit of linking diverse bits of information together in a coherent pattern , and it provides an explanation for the content of Judaism and Christianity especially , and may have some application for understanding and explaining the ritual developments in Hinduism and Buddhism , as will be illustrated in Chapter 5 .
17 It was very difficult to do the rhythm and play the melody and then go back to doing little bits of rhythm . ’
18 A nerve jiggled at the corner of Meredith 's mouth because she was beginning to piece small bits of information together and was coming up with a heap of worries .
19 If he needed to revise his original idea he made use of Process white or cut holes and glued new bits of paper together .
20 Using small bits of foam or anything that would stop it getting in there .
21 Kitted out in black , sporting assorted bits of PVC and leather , they look a little like bikers from outer space .
22 Steal little bits of money so she could buy drink .
23 She spread a towel out on the sand and sat down but , disappointed and now frightened at her own temerity , Liza began to panic , scarcely noticing Celia when she came staggering towards her , dragging slimy bits of seaweed or producing pebbles and shells in her small fat hand .
24 It contained various bits of junk that had been stored there over the years , but nothing was even remotely useful in the present crisis .
25 His comment had caught me in mid-swallow and I managed to spray little bits of scone onto the coffee table .
26 Could you put her blanket in the the seat just so that they do n't get little bits of cotton in it she might um breathe them in .
27 Do n't need , I mean if we get somebody in to do that , we 'd have somebody in do little bits of repairs here and there , but generally it 's alright .
28 For one thing , her subject was in itself appealing to most of the girls , or at least intermittently so ; they enjoyed watching crystals grow , and weighing small things on small scales , and making little bits of sodium whizz round saucers of Water , so they quite voluntarily offered her their attention from time to time .
29 Finding lonely bits of countryside or the middle of a large field to do your shouting is a way out of this problem , as is going to a football match or a rock concert .
30 You know er personally attached to the grave , or go on a guided tour , and er , like you 've got to wear certain bits of clothing , you got ta be like , you got ta be properly dressed , er , you 're not allowed to eat or drink in there , there 's all these things , like , you know , really
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