Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [art] [adj] smile " in BNC.

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1 You would have been forgiven for a knowing smile then , but now acid rain is no laughing matter .
2 As she nodded towards the bathroom , right on cue it opened , and Jake , dressed in trousers with a towel slung round his neck , came walking with a broad smile into the room .
3 But there 's no doubt , honey , ’ the other woman added with a warm smile , ‘ that when two Leos really get it together it can be the most romantic marriage of all time .
4 ‘ Colonel L V Mortimer , ’ the hawk-like Marine responded with a faint smile .
5 The senator responded with a practised smile .
6 Benton moved back slightly , then his lips curled into a crooked smile .
7 Lacuna 's lips curled into a sneering smile .
8 His mouth curled into a dark smile .
9 His mouth curled into a slow smile that sent unease rippling through her just as swiftly as that sinking pebble had sent ripples chasing across the pond .
10 Luke 's lips curled into a cold smile .
11 Terry exclaimed with a tearful smile .
12 Jack 's mouth lifted in a wry smile .
13 His mouth lifted in a wry smile .
14 His mouth lifted in a token smile .
15 Nathan shook his head , his mouth twisting in a humourless smile .
16 Her teeth bared in a tight smile .
17 The English clerk stood rooted to the ground , wondering whether to stay or leave , when a hand gently touched his shoulder and he turned to see John Benstede , his kind face wrinkled in an apologetic smile .
18 ‘ Yes ! ’ he said , the word jerked out of him furiously , and twisted away to hide from the malicious smile he dreaded .
19 The old man , who wore a cloth bow in his long gray hair , looked at the French boy for a moment , then his weather-beaten face cracked in a slow smile and he raised his arm above his head .
20 Her thin lip curled in a rare smile — one might say she had been pursuing her own studies .
21 His lip curled in a bitter smile .
22 But , he favoured her with what she could only perceive as a reassuring smile when , ‘ I 'm on my way to Mariánské Láznë myself , ’ he commented easily , ‘ so that 's one problem you can forget . ’
23 Then she stooped with a broad smile to address Emily .
24 ‘ He said he was planning to buy an apartment in the city , ’ Hubert added with a sly smile , ‘ as soon as he found somewhere suitable . ’
25 Now , you wo n't have met Ellie , ’ she added with a tired smile for the younger girl .
26 And I just wish you knew how funny that was , ’ he added with a quirky smile .
27 Of course , ’ he added with a twisted smile , ‘ it was n't until your last day in the office that I realised you were under the impression that it was I who 'd had the affair with Elise . ’
28 Besides , ’ he added with a cruel smile twisting his mobile mouth , ‘ by the looks of him he 'd already had his share of suffering .
29 ‘ I 've even forgotten all about school , ’ she added with a guilty smile .
30 And you were the kind lady who gave little Afgie the leprechaun , ’ she added with a warm smile .
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