Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [be] [adv] concerned " in BNC.

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1 Latterly , he had been criticized for being more concerned about " restoring dignity to politics " and strengthening Slovenia 's Catholic and conservative traditions than about solving the economic problems resulting from communist rule and independence .
2 It seems likely that they will make little impact , one reason being that they appear to be more concerned with targeting existing jobs rather than creating genuinely new ones .
3 Geographers have studied the recent adaptations of local industries , such as Manchester clothing ( Gibbs , 1987 ) , but these appear to be more concerned with the survival of firms , with the same or a smaller workforce , than to do with major ‘ re-industrialization ’ .
4 Marketing is the one function of management which has to be more concerned with what is going on outside the organization than with what is happening internally .
5 Certain information within these main categories was considered to be primarily concerned with monitoring and control activities , and , where this could be specifically identified at this stage , it was coded accordingly ( ie COI ) .
6 As we pointed out then , although a stretch of discourse can appear to be largely concerned with a single individual , or one discourse subject , so that the discourse may be loosely reported as being ‘ about ’ that individual , this should not lead us to claim that all discourses are about single individuals or can be given convenient one-word titles .
7 Benedict did not appear to be unduly concerned .
8 Trade and Industry Secretary Michael Heseltine was said to be particularly concerned about the adverse impact Dan-Air 's closure would have on services at Gatwick , where it was the largest operator with 24.3pc of the slots .
9 In Seymour the House of Lords seemed to be principally concerned with manslaughter committed with a motor vehicle , but subsequent cases establish that the test of ‘ obvious and serious risk of physical injury to some person ’ is applicable to offences using different methods , such as fire .
10 They seemed to be particularly concerned about their incontinence , and this factor was thought to play an important part in their psychosocial dysfunction by the referring physician .
11 The girl seemed to be more concerned at the loss of the eggs than her home , Christina noticed .
12 THE report on Oxford and Cambridge ( March 29 ) seemed to be much concerned with finance .
13 Whereas Pleistocene geology was seen to be primarily concerned with stratigraphy and chronology , Butzer saw the need for a more comprehensive study of past environments and envisaged Pleistocene Geography as concerned with the natural environment and focused on the same themes of man and nature that are the concern of historical and contemporary geographies .
14 And if a boy is seen to be too concerned with his appearance , he gets called , amongst other things , a ‘ poofter ’ .
15 The Bank of England tends to be more concerned with systemic risk whereas the SIB and SROs are more involved with investor protection in relation to different areas of activity , although as mentioned earlier there are significant linkages and overlaps between the two .
16 It has been suggested that whereas political science tends to be mainly concerned with the machinery of government and the mechanisms of public administration , the sociological analysis of political phenomena is concerned with the wider interplay between politics and social structure , between political and societal processes ( Coser , 1966 ) .
17 Nonetheless , military pilots are still required to qualify for an Airline Transport Pilots Licence soon after joining the Branch if they do not already possess one , since much of their investigating career is going to be closely concerned with civil regulations and civil operating techniques as well as with the technicalities of flying .
18 Oozing , not bright red , but mixed , it 's mixed bleeding really you 've got from capillary and very often in any injury you 'll get mixed bleeding , but are you going to be too concerned and analyze too carefully whether it 's blood from a vein or blood from an artery if it 's pouring out ?
19 We seem to be more concerned with the job in hand , i e , our own team er er and not with the other teams , but if they 're struggling then do offer to give them help .
20 It should be noted that both points of view would claim to be centrally concerned with the well-being of children .
21 ABS describes his fears as " irrational " but Nuclear Electric is understood to be seriously concerned at the implications .
22 Mirror directors are understood to be deeply concerned about the mounting costs as the company continues to work on its 1991 results figures and a report on on its financial health , now expected later this month .
23 Mirror directors are understood to be deeply concerned about the mounting costs as the company continues to work on its 1991 results figures and a report on its financial health , now expected later this month .
24 However , the government will wish to be closely concerned with the operation of the company to ensure that this does not provide a blanket guarantee to underwrite whatever losses the company makes through its own stupidity or inefficiency .
25 The Comptroller and Auditor General Sir John Bourne , who compiled a report for the National Audit Office , is known to be deeply concerned that the payment from the public purse was hidden .
26 THE Labour Party appears to be more concerned about industry than the Conservatives .
27 It is disappointing that Mr Marshall seems to be more concerned with his own status and position , and indeed , wealth , than the position of his poor client .
28 Gregory 's account of Clovis seems to be more concerned to create the image of a catholic king against whom his successors could be assessed , than with any desire to provide an accurate account of the reign .
29 They tend to be very concerned with a good social life and the concept of freedom .
30 Governments , like theoretical economists , tend to be mainly concerned with the short run .
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