Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adv] 10 [unc] " in BNC.

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1 Public borrowing rose to nearly 10 per cent of national income — equivalent to £55,000 million today .
2 While expenditure was reduced after this , by the 1960s , with the entry of the United States into the Vietnam conflict , it rose to around 10 per cent of GDP once more .
3 ‘ The field has been open to females only during the past year but we soon expect at least 10 per cent of dog-training course applicants will be female . ’
4 All parties gaining at least 10 per cent of electoral support in each of the nine regions would send an equal number of representatives to an upper house .
5 Moreover , he says that the present level of interest rates may mean that instead of prices stagnating next year they could fall by around 10 per cent .
6 Briefly , cells scraped from the buccal mucosa were dispersed in phosphate buffered saline ( 2 mM , pH 7.4 ) , washed thrice by centrifugation to remove contaminating salivary flora and resuspended to circa 10 cells/ml in phosphate buffered saline with D-mannose ( 1% ) .
7 Paid-in capital by member countries amounts to about 10 per cent of subscribed capital and represents only a small part of the total funds obtained by the EIB .
8 A reflection of this is the way they are all trying to develop their lager interests in a market where lager is growing at nearly 10 per cent per annum and is likely to command over 40 per cent of all sales this year .
9 Home loans now stand at around 10 per cent .
10 The declared aim of the PRC to was to win at least 10 per cent of the seats in the forthcoming legislative elections and to " become what the PDS no longer is : a party of the masses " .
11 It is generally agreed that the conference market is growing by approximately 10 per cent per annum .
12 The NRA estimates that oil and sewage sources each accounted for about 20 per cent of the total reported incidents with farm and industrial incidents accounting for about 10 per cent each .
13 Over two thirds of Japanese car workers operate in multi-skilled teams , compared with just 10 per cent in the UK , and the land of the risen yen puts in two and a half times as many hours training its new workers in those skills .
14 Fifty per cent of cases involving three or more links were rated by social workers and police officers as ‘ poor communication ’ compared with only 10 per cent in cases of two links or less .
15 The trial was halted after one year instead of the planned three after 20 per cent of patients taking only zidovudine died compared with only 10 per cent of those taking a ‘ cocktail ’ of zidovudine and acyclovir .
16 After 12 weeks of using the Nicorette Patch , 41 per cent of smokers gave up compared with only 10 per cent who used a dummy patch .
17 Twenty per cent of widowed , divorced and separated women aged 30–44 were carers , compared with only 10 per cent of men of similar age and status .
18 Road maintenance now takes a quarter of the roads ' budget , compared with roughly 10 per cent as recently as the middle 1970s .
19 Largely because of migration patterns , the non-white population is also younger than the white population ; for example , around 4 per cent ( approximately 97,000 ) of the black and Asian populations had reached retirement age by 1986 , compared with around 10 per cent of the white population ( Patel , 1990 ) .
20 By contrast , West Bromwich , Manchester , London and Liverpool all sustained losses amounting to over 10 per cent of their work force .
21 The South accounts for approximately 10 per cent of world manufacturing capacity at present , and the Report 's objective was to raise this to 25 per cent by the year 2000 .
22 In Britain and in the Netherlands it accounts For about 10 per cent of the total consumption of sugar , in Ireland for 8 per cent , in Germany and France for about 5 per cent .
23 Taxes on income by corporations , including profits tax , amount to nearly 10 per cent of the total .
24 The risk that bad quality items will be accepted is the user 's risk and is commonly set at about 10 per cent .
25 The risk that bad quality items will be accepted is the user 's risk and is commonly set at about 10 per cent .
26 By 1953 , Defence expenditure had almost doubled and was running at around 10 per cent of GDP .
27 Languages : Bulgarian ( official ) ; Turkish spoken by around 10 per cent of population .
28 At the turn of the century government expenditure as a proportion of G N P amounted to roughly 10 per cent ; by 1970 this figure had reached over 40 per cent .
29 Garel Rhys , professor of motor industry economics at Cardiff University , believes the motor industry needs a boost , and suggests that car tax should be cut from approximately 10 per cent to 5 per cent .
30 For an investment-intensity ratio of below 35 per cent , it seems that one gets an ROI above 30 per cent , whereas , when investment intensity is above 70 per cent , ROI falls to about 10 per cent .
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