Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] until [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Pressure on the pound lightened yesterday as financial markets decided to suspend judgement until they heard what the Chancellor had to say , a mood which was reflected among Conservative representatives .
2 It continued to lose weight until it caught the attentioin of a neighbour who reported to the RSPCA that winter .
3 I hope you suffer torture until you die .
4 In a moment I will produce the recipe — and please , will readers do their best to suspend disbelief until they have tried it ? — but one of the main points about this recipe is that it taught me ( for after all , one does not buy lobsters all that often ) that anisette is , improbably but incontrovertibly , a quite magical ingredient in fish dishes and sauces .
5 However , I have no doubt that , in the context of the statutory tenancies with which we are here concerned , that what is intended to be the effect of section 3 is that it should continue to provide protection until there has actually been execution in the ordinary way by the court 's bailiff in accordance with the requirement of the County Court Rules 1981 ( S.I .
6 We allowed our gaze to wander south until it lighted upon the bulk of Ancohuma 's eastern slopes , a face we knew nothing of on a mountain that had only just entered our lives .
7 Having selected your sleeve / armhole type , a third menu appears for you to select your FRONT NECK type , followed by a fourth menu for the BACK NECK type ( see Fig 1 ) Should you wish to change any of the selections you have made , just press ESCAPE until you get back to the menu that you need to alter .
8 The competition will be judged by Alan Amey , who was an apprentice at the John Makepeace Workshops in 1976 , and then head craftsman until he left last year .
9 Her mind in turmoil , her thoughts entirely on escape , she hardly drew breath until she reached the sanctuary of the tall displays in the bedding and linen department on the ground floor and saw the safety of the store 's side door beckoning to her .
10 In the following game , the third of the match , Timman had a completely won position until he made his 31st move .
11 Tap Backspace until they join ( ie twice , if one line separates the paragraphs ) .
12 The second solution , which contains hydrogen peroxide , is stabilised so that it will not liberate oxygen until it comes into contact with an alkali .
13 If the market were weak , the authorities intended simply to withdraw rather than give support until it strengthened again , when gilt-edged sales would be resumed .
14 Overweight people , particularly the heavily overweight , rarely stop eating until they have finished everything on the plate .
15 For the moment , however , we adjourn discussion until we reach the topic of Bureaucratic Politics in Chapter 7 .
16 She would n't make sail until she reached Port of London .
17 Silver 's light-grey fur showed up plainly against a low spray of gorse , but Hazel could not see Bigwig until he sat up and ran towards them .
18 Walk north-west to reach the B4418 and take the path going south-west until you reach the rock painted with white arrows .
19 Nor did I dare return until I thought you 'd be safely in bed , and no temptation to me . ’
20 The initiative in budgetary matters rests mainly with the president , but , once he has submitted his proposals , they can not become law until they have obtained Congressional approval .
21 The draft constitution had been submitted to the House of Representatives on June 4 [ see p. 38278 ] but could not become law until it had been approved by referendum , according to President Joseph Momoh .
22 As the Arches paper is off white , in areas I needed to highlight , and so for an opaque light tone , I would sharpen the leads into a plate and add water until I had a thick consistency a little like gouache , and would apply that direct with a brush in flat colour .
23 As well as setting up a register the Act will eventually make it illegal for people to handle food until they have taken a basic food hygiene certificate .
24 An overdraft can be a cheap way to borrow if you have a regular monthly pay cheque which will take you out of the red so you can stop paying interest until you overdraw again .
25 They are secure in their roles and the young are generally simply marking time until they step into the marriage shoes waiting for them .
26 Whichever way word- processing is used it gives learners the means of refining text until it satisfies them .
27 In these circumstances , the Computex distribution manager decided to withhold payment until he received a satisfactory explanation of the late delivery in Belfast .
28 But , in all cases we defer repayment until you complete the course , and then agree a repayment programme that is based on your earnings .
29 Others followed suit until it became standard practice in the group .
30 I declined their offer to go IMC until they confirmed a positive radar identification , then the cliffs disappeared from view .
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