Example sentences of "[noun] plays a part in " in BNC.

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1 It can be a matter of good timing — and timing as well as luck plays a part in working with nationals .
2 The processes underlying habituation training will presumably go on during distinctiveness training and thus , if we accept the interpretation of habituation discussed in Chapter 2 , we must also accept the possibility that stimulus differentiation plays a part in acquired distinctiveness .
3 Although the very long-term future plays a part in present thinking ( for example , concern about the burden which present promises of pension levels may impose on future generations of working age ) , it is the shorter-term prospects — from now until the end of the century — which mainly concern policy-makers , the caring professions , informal carers of infirm elderly people , and older people themselves .
4 Each Department plays a part in creating a stimulating environment where creativity and enterprise are valued and encouraged and where a sense of internationalism is evident in all areas of work .
5 Each employee plays a part in taking the product from its beginnings as raw PVC to flooring installed at the customer 's premises .
6 True faith is not simply about thinking the right thoughts — although right thinking plays a part in our faith .
7 But again , he does not mean by this to reduce religion to emotion , though he is clear that emotion plays a part in it .
8 Each faculty plays a part in organizing courses and the programme ranges from Microelectronics , Civil Engineering and Building Technology to Yoga , Olympic Gymnastics and modern languages .
9 In this connection , it is assumed that a sufficiently positive association between peptic ulceration and the allele of a defined genetic locus indicates that the genetic trait plays a part in the pathogenesis of the ulceration .
10 In British culture this would make conversation very difficult as the extent and direction of gaze between people in a group plays a part in regulating their conversation and signalling who will speak next ( turntaking ) .
11 Most doctors agree that diet plays a part in prevention of heart disease — less animal fats and more fibre are thought best — as discussed earlier .
12 Platelet activating factor plays a part in the mucosal injury of the gastrointestinal tract in anomals .
13 Lacan emphasizes that the unconscious plays a part in the ego , as well as the id .
14 After all , the postclassical position recognises that variability in human criminal motivations plays a part in accounting for the prevalence of crimes : it would not be too damaging to the overall position to allow that in some cases it plays the major part ( provided that the exceptions only constitute a tiny proportion of total crime — which would certainly be the case with sexual abuse of children ) .
15 ‘ Police officers may also be working in stressful conditions and stress plays a part in back pain , ’ she said .
16 But , since too much stress plays a part in causing a number of more serious physical disorders — including heart , breathing , digestive , muscle and mental troubles — it is doubly important to come to grips and control it .
17 Public policy plays a part in a number of these decisions and a student could be forgiven for confusion at the complexity of the area and the number of legal doctrines used .
18 There is an increasing sense that each person 's life-history plays a part in the illness ‘ chosen ’ by the body .
19 Social ambivalence towards old people plays a part in these somewhat muddled expectations from those who care for them .
20 Therefore , it is possible that back diffusion of H + ions secondary to disruption of the mucosal barrier plays a part in the failure of these beverages to stimulate acid secretion .
21 So , alcohol plays a part in obesity but in addition , physical and mental performance are impaired .
22 Our data do not support the idea that the xanthine/ xanthine oxidase pathway plays a part in ulcerative colitis as allopurinol , in concentrations known to inhibit xanthine oxidase activity , did not affect chemiluminescence .
23 If this incident plays a part in intensifying the co-operation between the two Governments on security policy , I think that good will have come out of it .
24 Adult opinion has swung back and forward as to the value of one method or another and sheer fashion plays a part in determining feeding methods from one generation — or one decade — to the next .
25 What is more , the experimental results that have been taken to demonstrate that retrieval plays a part in latent inhibition can not demonstrate this failure to be the sole source of the effect — these experiments show that a CS-US association is indeed formed after latent inhibition training and can be revealed if the conditions of testing are appropriate ; they do not show convincingly that the association is just as strong as that formed in subjects given no pre-exposure to the target stimulus .
26 Thus they consider that SSE should include a written report ; that teachers are not likely to be reluctant to take part in SSE if a written report plays a part in the scheme .
27 The availability of such services plays a part in whether an old person is able to stay at home .
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