Example sentences of "[noun] allowed [pn reflx] to be " in BNC.

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1 With an expression of furtive apprehension , Hyacinth allowed herself to be helped to her feet and settled , squatting , on the pot .
2 Cotton allowed himself to be mollified .
3 It has been claimed that Aindow allowed himself to be struck on the leg to support the false story that he had been hit by the car .
4 ‘ Please , Dana , do as I ask ; it 's important , ’ Claudia pleaded , and something in her manner must have got across , for after a few seconds Dana allowed herself to be led towards the café .
5 But the priest allowed himself to be seated and to have a glass of wine poured for him .
6 Heartened by the sight of Weir standing beside Reagan on the South Lawn , the administration allowed itself to be drawn further into the Israeli-Iranian manoeuvres .
7 Edward allowed himself to be swept by his particular tide , and spent the next few hours in a blur of short motor trips , a meal , many drinks , shouted insults , conversations .
8 El-ahrairah allowed himself to be persuaded and the soldiers took him to the king .
9 Kim allowed herself to be swept along by Aggie 's lively chatter .
10 Elisabeth allowed herself to be embraced .
11 Whether by accident or design , they managed to go around without seeing any of the others and Maggie allowed herself to be selfish .
12 Luckily Sister Dew allowed herself to be distracted and opened the door for Ianthe and her covered dish .
13 She took Kelly by the arm ; terrified , Kelly allowed herself to be led away like a little girl .
14 Not wishing to antagonize Harry , when finally they drew up outside the little cottage in Melton Mowbray to which Mrs Appleby had now retired , Madeleine allowed herself to be persuaded inside .
15 Jenkins allowed himself to be convinced that ‘ some battle had to be fought ’ .
16 Unable to impose himself , Clarence allowed himself to be bought off before returning home through Bordeaux , plundering on the way .
17 There was a gradual movement towards the door and Patrick allowed himself to be carried with it .
18 Cad allowed herself to be pushed , reluctantly .
19 In Bulgaria , some Christians allowed themselves to be manipulated by the State , rather than face severe hardship or persecution .
20 Martin allowed himself to be magnanimous .
21 Piper allowed himself to be threaded back into his jacket .
22 Lady Selvedge allowed herself to be led on to the platform and was introduced in a short speech by Mark , who found himself unable to think of very much to say about her , confused as he was by the talk of ‘ high principles ’ , cocktail parties , and her former husband 's misdeeds which he remembered having with Sophia and Penelope .
23 Because she trusted Adam , Miranda allowed herself to be convinced .
24 It was amazing , really , thought Robert , that Dr Ali allowed himself to be anywhere near a place as fundamentally un-Islamic as Wimbledon .
25 And so Beth allowed herself to be taken at an awkward pace along the wharf and on to where David and Cissie were saying their final farewells .
26 The terrier allowed himself to be dragged down to lie on the blankets , and Theda was able to see her new mistress in the light afforded by a lamp on her bedside table and a set of two candelabra resting on a nearby chest of drawers .
27 In 437 one of the last pagan aristocrats allowed himself to be converted on his deathbed by his conspicuously pious niece , perhaps from fear of less gentle pressure from the emperor .
28 Emma allowed herself to be led over to the sofa .
29 Both women allowed themselves to be involved with another man in the absence of their husbands but in very different ways .
30 At his most impressionable , Nicholas allowed himself to be talked into publicity stunts that horribly backfired .
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