Example sentences of "[noun] told [pron] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The man who 'd taken a photograph of the bus asked if he might photograph the old people also , and the bus-driver told him to wait a minute .
2 Creed told him to take a right turn , down a narrow track that led towards the ocean .
3 Emil told me to collect the champagne glasses , pour the water and put a pot of breadsticks on each table .
4 ‘ Mr Newley told me to do the RTI expense sheet this morning . ’
5 Tiriac is still miffed that the ATP final did not come to Stuttgart : ‘ The ATP told me to join the auction , but I am too good to have to do that . ’
6 When I ran in Pinsk in 1985 , children in the street started to follow me , until officials told me to use a park .
7 Katharine and Benji had produced some nice work together and at this point Jennie told them to have a rest on a long rein for a few minutes .
8 ‘ I went out to see what was going on and a policeman told us to evacuate the area .
9 Joseph told me to fetch the doctor , so I ran to the village , although I knew it was too late .
10 He did not complain when he found that his sleeping place had been claimed by another player ; nor when Garvey told him to wash the mud off the wagon wheelrims , and forbad him or Izzie ever to speak a word to Gabriel .
11 Neighbours told them to ring the hospital .
12 On one sunny afternoon , when running and feeding a platen-machine ( by hand ) and sweating profusely owing to the heat , the rattle of the front-door bell told me to attend the counter .
13 The caller told them to say the man 's full name out loud .
14 Some of Hugo 's drunken friends told him to let the hounds chase her , and so he ran from the house and unlocked the dogs .
15 Your friends told us to follow the piste and we 'd be sure to meet you head on .
16 Robin Denny , prosecuting , said Cook told her to take the rest of her clothes off .
17 First of all , I think Stapleton told you to write the letter to Sir Charles and to ask him for help .
18 Now , as he drank Robert 's champagne , and saw her , silent beside him , her head set downwards , a columbine on its stem , and as modestly inaccessible , Andrew knew that good manners and good sense told him to redress the misfortune of that last experience .
19 ‘ Mr Potter told me to send a telegram .
20 My brain told me to pull the trigger but my finger would n't respond .
21 He came away from the Old Entrance , having collected those of the destroyer 's crew not taken off by ML 6 , and as Micky Wynn came up with his special MTB , Robert Ryder told him to fire the torpedoes at the outer lock gate in the Old Entrance .
22 Lord C told her to take a spot of leave before reporting for a short parachute course .
23 Bunny told her to call the actors for the last act .
24 Speaking to shareholders at the company 's annual meeting , Mr Sherwood told them to resist the advances of a predator .
25 All the boy 's instincts told him to throw the money back at the policeman , their natural enemy , but his little brothers ' faces changed his mind .
26 Ten days ago the Home Office told which operates the sirens to dismantle the equipment , an instruction that angered Lincolnshire County Council .
27 ‘ The Tourism Office told us to try The Echo . ’
28 ‘ Miss Jarman told thee to take a stroll I suppose , ’ Salt said sarcastically .
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