Example sentences of "[noun] found [pn reflx] in the " in BNC.

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1 In war , more common as the Dukes of Normandy used their English kingship to press their rather doubtful claims to the French throne , Sussex found itself in the front line , convenient both for intended invasions and retaliatory expeditions by licensed French pirates .
2 So Dustin found himself in the odd position of acting in English , while all around him the cast spoke Italian .
3 Once again , the Elves found themselves in the middle of a war without a Phoenix King .
4 Many refugees found themselves in the same position .
5 Like the majority of his contemporaries , Levin found himself in the vaguest position in regard to religion .
6 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
7 Cornelius found himself in the uncluttered office of Mister Arthur Kobold .
8 It was as a result of this new approach that Haslam found himself in the Plastics Division , a more glamorous part of ICI , in contrast to the Nobel Division he had recently left .
9 Bullock found himself in the driving seat after Davies was forced to play sideways out of a ditch .
10 More than one Gaullist found himself in the difficult situation of having to give de Gaulle a lecture in Gaullism .
11 GARY MASON , whose avowed game plan is meet the world heavyweight champion , Mike Tyson , sometime in 1991 , last night found himself in the nearest thing to a test against that granite-hard fighter that his supporters could hope to imagine .
12 In hindsight , it 's difficult to understand what all the furore was about , since Sikorsky only took a minority stake in Westland , but at the height of the storm Cuckney found himself in the unwelcome glare of national publicity .
13 Miles found himself in the water , tangled in coils of rope , battered by sealskin floats .
14 It was not until autumn that Jennifer found herself in the city again .
15 On practically every issue the Comintern found itself in the role of an infallible body which had adopted a manifestly fallible policy .
16 There was not a word said of business until they came to table in Isambard 's great hall , where the envoy found himself in the place of honour at his host 's right hand .
17 The troubled programme has been bedevilled by the tardiness of some countries in implementing the 278 proposals required to remove all internal frontiers to business , and Mrs Thatcher found herself in the slightly unusual position of being praised by Mr Jacques Delors , the president of the European Commission , for being in the vanguard of the reform process .
18 Although Barber found himself in the political wilderness with the Tories ' fall from power after the death of Queen Anne in 1715 , he remained loyal to his friends and true to his Tory principles .
19 HAPLESS John Major found himself in the middle of an almighty Tory punch-up over Europe yesterday .
20 Soaking wet , and with a bloody stump where her right arm had been , Susan found herself in the cabin of an airship .
21 There is nearly unanimous agreement among historians about the significance of the ‘ impossible situation ’ in which the Plantagenet king-dukes of Aquitaine found themselves in the later thirteenth and early fourteenth centuries .
22 ECHO chief photographer Stephen Shakeshaft found himself in the middle of a real cat and mouse game right in the heart of the city as he caught up with cartoon characters Tom and Jerry .
23 But before long , the company found itself in the midst of the early 1980s ' recession , an event that , by Mr Garner 's own admission , nearly finished TI off for good .
24 And within six years , wanting to register ( in The Criter - ion for 1934 ) the distinction of Binyon 's version of the Inferno despite its consistent inversions of prosaic word order , Pound found himself in the same situation , having to contend with those who had learned too well or too inflexibly the lessons he himself had taught them :
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