Example sentences of "[noun] come [adv prt] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 One example of this is on page 156 when Scout and Jem have discovered that Atticus is sitting outside the county Jail on one of his office chairs and as they cross the square to get nearer to him , four dusty cars come in from the Meridian highway , moving slowly in a line eventually stopping outside the Jail .
2 Some of the older blokes , they come out , and they started fighting as well ! ( laughter ) One bloke come down from the flats with just a pair of trousers and a vest on and he started having a go !
3 Fish come up from the deep sea in the early morning and the early evening .
4 Boats come over from the mainland about three times a day and in total we get about 9000 visitors a year , including 2000 schoolchildren .
5 And we used to have one gentleman come in from the country .
6 ‘ Normally when people come in from the outside into the securities business they leave management alone .
7 ‘ We had a Greyhound come down from the moor once .
8 They saw the man come in from the street and stand for a moment adjusting to the darkness .
9 Two streams come down from a hilly hinterland and after a sedate infancy suddenly leap in a happy frolic through verdant surroundings to reach the village where they converge as the River Greta .
10 The material , long hidden in KGB files or in the memories of intelligence operatives , is up for grabs as ageing ex-KGB agents come in from the cold to trade in their undercover pasts for over-the-counter assets .
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