Example sentences of "[noun] britain be [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Keynes 's lowest estimate for the minimum unemployment rate for interwar Britain was of the order of 5% ( see R. F. Kahn , 1975 ) .
2 In the Montreal protocol which controls ozone-depleting substances , United Nations negotiations on climate change , in biodiversity and on forestry Britain is among the leading nations .
3 The part of the 1988 Act which has upset certain religious minorities has been section 8(3) , which states that all religious syllabuses adopted on or after 29 September 1988 must ‘ reflect the fact that the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian whilst taking account of the teaching and practices of the other principal religions represented in Great Britain ’ .
4 The fact that the section seeks to justify its own requirements by stating a fact — ‘ the religious traditions in Great Britain are in the main Christian ’ — implies anticipation of this criticism .
5 In 1979 , 32 per cent of dwellings in Great Britain were in the public sector .
6 In 1880 Queen Victoria had been on the throne for forty-three years ; Gladstone began the second of his four terms as Prime Minister ; Great Britain was at the zenith of its powers .
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