Example sentences of "[noun] together and they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They were invited to Hollywood parties together and they left together : when one broke into song , the other took up the harmonising line .
2 But er the government , a long while ago , actually decided they ought to do something about knocking the institutions ' heads together and they drew up a plan called the Council of Engineering Institutes , where the idea was we get a little of coordination across the entire patch .
3 They cheated in a spelling test together and they played kiss chase in the playground .
4 you know er what in the bible says and er to get together for God put a woman and a man together and they become one flesh you read it , you think you understand what it is , but you do n't really understand until you lose your partner
5 Get a few ranters together and they give you broth if you let them save your soul .
6 And they put all those factors together and they weighed up the alternatives and you 've heard some of them already .
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