Example sentences of "[noun] come [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was still believed , or at any rate hoped , that the refugees would in due course come to terms with their situation and accept resettlement .
2 The pervasive influence of the ICC is being felt again as TCCB rules on short pitched bowling come into line with ICC ones .
3 Goblin Fanatics are released as soon as enemy come within 8″ of their unit .
4 Men as well as women in British public relations today owe her a debt of gratitude for her contribution in helping British industry come to terms with public relations as a formidable management and marketing tool .
5 Here , delusions of persecution become actualized if , as not unusually happens , the interests of the citizen come into conflict with those of a state which has monopolized all the means of coercive power .
6 The EC Directives on Health and Safety come into effect on 1st January 1993 .
7 In animals , the formation of sheets of cells which fold in various ways , and which in consequence come into contact with each other at specific points , is a common feature of development , and provides a partial answer to Weismann 's question .
8 She said she never saw Newton kick the other player in the face , and she never saw anyone 's boot come in contact with Mr Hallam 's face .
9 If you have purchased the colour changer for your machine , an additional yarn mast and double tension assembly come as part of this .
10 ‘ Should any such evidence come to light in the future we will of course be prepared to review the situation . ’
11 Both the Poll Tax and the Business rate come into force on 1st April 1990 .
12 To US annoyance , Brezhnev supported the Arab cause in the 1973 Middle East war and helped a Marxist government come to power in Angola in 1975 .
13 ‘ Lapointe and the other Frenchman come to blows after the accident , or what ? ’
14 The problem results when acid rainclouds drifting across moorland come into contact with the branches of conifers .
15 These descriptive and historical sides of the subject come into contact in various ways .
16 By far the most satisfactory demonstrations of changes in the discriminability of cues with training come from experiments in which the comparison is made between acquired distinctiveness and acquired equivalence conditions ; a difference between these conditions could , of course , be entirely the consequence of an acquired distinctiveness effect .
17 Our aim is to make Alice a Victorian coloured picture book come to life on the screen , with all its charm , fun , fantasy and sense of magical wonder and adventure . ’
18 Only , therefore , when the public come to terms with the nature of mental handicap and break down the barriers of misunderstanding which have existed for centuries , will a real sense of understanding permeate our society .
19 The role of the counsellor is to help the individual in this process , first in understanding and determining his or her particular goals , making sure they are realistic or indeed , sufficiently ambitious ; second , to help decide how best they can be achieved ; and third , to help the individual come to terms with retirement , and to play a more active part in its outcome .
20 Social snobbery and showy excellence come into play at the Tate Gallery London , where the exhibition of The Swagger Portrait focuses on the aesthetic excesses of English Grand Manner portraiture .
21 He looked like the petrol-soaked wreck of a swan come to grief in a polluted river .
22 As well as books written specifically for school use , pupils should at some stage come into contact with biographies and memoirs , published diaries , historical fiction and some writings about local history .
23 Though Xorandor resigns himself to his fate , he tells the children a secret : he has not in fact come from Mars at all but is a member of a race that has been living on Earth for millions of years , communicating over vast distances through radio pulses in binary code .
24 If they can not help the client materially once they have checked the benefit entitlement , they must help the client come to terms with their situation .
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