Example sentences of "[noun] over the [adj] use " in BNC.

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1 Mr Davies has been at loggerheads with Hambleton District Council over the future use of his hotel in Darlington Road .
2 The trial of four former senior Health Service officials over the alleged use of HIV-infected blood in transfusions opened on June 22 .
3 But as he has also said , for longer that any of us care to remember all attempts at rational arguments over the best use of resources in Highfields have been drowned out by noise from the grinding of axes .
4 It privileges the music which Adorno chooses as best representing the contradictory whole — thus alongside Beethoven and the tradition following him other kinds of music ( Berlioz , Rossini , Verdi , Elgar , Stravinsky , Eisler , let alone Lehár , Louis Armstrong , Walter Donaldson or Elvis Presley ) are inevitably presented as partial , that is to say more socially specific , less autonomous ; it also reduces the possibility of struggle over the specific uses and meanings of musical materials and forms : competing ‘ viewpoints ’ are dismissed as ‘ regressive ’ or ‘ false ’ .
5 LIKE Nigel Starmer-Smith , in his comments in February 's edition of RW&P , I too have felt concern over the continual use of the up-and-under and , indeed , the kick generally .
6 THE National Science Foundation in the US funded a two-to three-year study ‘ to examine the many areas of controversy over the scientific use , development , and application of gene-transplantation research ’ .
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