Example sentences of "[noun] over [art] [adj] hundred " in BNC.

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1 It is easiest to understand the modern methods for measuring electrical activity from the brain by looking at the development of these methods over the past hundred years or so .
2 Thousands of Italians have settled in the North-East over the last hundred years .
3 All tunnel designs over the past hundred years have capitalised on this impermeable layer and 90% of the undersea sections of the current scheme follow it .
4 Such a political and economic environment had enabled the USA to increase its productive capacity over the previous hundred and fifty years to become the world 's greatest economic power .
5 The ceremony has died out in many areas over the past hundred years , so it was a good idea to revive it.There 's cider and singing and it 's good fun .
6 Their long folk memories recalled other attempts to produce native silk over the previous hundred years — and how all of them had failed .
7 Should the theologian attempt to make use of philosophy in the way that those who have not reacted against Biblical Criticism over the last hundred and fifty years have learned to make use of history ?
8 THE HISTORY of belief in the supernormal over the past hundred years is studded with the names of famous illusionists who have sought to prove that much-vaunted miracles were nothing more than conjuring tricks .
9 Many popular beliefs about the past are little more than myths ; the marvels of the Victorian family or the failure of the British economy over the past hundred years are two examples of such myths .
10 Perhaps the tremendous upsurge of female creativity over the last hundred years or so , particularly in the fields of literature and art , may be connected with the increasing desire of women to use for themselves ‘ the light principle ’ .
11 The Tokugawa confirmed their hold on power by a complex structure of physical , political and economic controls over the several hundred local lords ( daimyo ) whose domains ( han ) made up the rest of the country , the samurai ( warrior ) class who constituted their followers and the populace who resided within their territories .
12 The report suggests , however , that coral growth will be able to keep pace with sea rises of up to 3 metres over the next hundred years .
13 Curiosity got the better of Yanto however , and having vaulted the fence , he made his way over the one hundred and fifty yards of re-claimed field that separated the pub from the riverbank .
14 For several days I continued my explanation , and I also described British history over the last hundred years .
15 An unpublished study commissioned by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts that global warming will cause sea levels to rise between 30 cm and 100 cm over the next hundred years .
16 We have seen how the corporatist welfare state which has emerged in this country over the past hundred years is a reflection of a humanist philosophy in which the creation of wealth is of less concern and morally inferior than its distribution , in which the pursuit of equality has become the dominant economic philosophy and in which the state rather than the individual has come to be held responsible for solving our problems .
17 Most of the changes in temperature over the past hundred years can be broadly explained by these two processes at work .
18 All decisions on country houses in Britain need to be taken against the background of the massive destruction over the past hundred years , which reached a climax in 1955 .
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