Example sentences of "[noun] may [vb infin] [prep] several " in BNC.

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1 And although some personnel may sit on several committees of the various bodies this is not enough to ensure adequate liaison , because there may be a conflict of loyalties .
2 Any one instance may lie in several clusters .
3 The spectrum of conviction concerning God 's existence may run through several degrees of probability .
4 Drills may fail for several reasons .
5 Think carefully about the meaning of the question/subject posed The same question may admit to several different interpretations .
6 A person may belong to several different families during his life , and it makes little sense to regard him as changing identity on leaving or entering a nuclear family .
7 Depending on the activator , a single excited mineral may radiate at several different wavelengths ; for example , apatite CL may be green , yellow , pink , violet or white , with a variety of rare earths acting as activators .
8 The theory that amplexus is a form of ‘ mate guarding ’ by males , preventing others from mating with the same female , is confirmed by comparing the duration of amplexus in explosive breeding European common frog , only one out Among explosive breeders , competition between males for females is intense and amplexus may last for several days or even for the entire breeding period .
9 We realise that names may appear on several sheets if a Student failed a test and resat but the Tutor can easily strike out or blank out information not required by the Board .
10 Although the clinical signs are abating the bronchi are still inflamed and residual lesions such as bronchial and peribronchial fibrosis may persist for several weeks or months .
11 Climbing expeditions into the peaks themselves have also left behind piles of rubbish , and Cullen ( 1986 ) points out that the problem is compounded by the fact that in such a high Alpine environment decomposition rates are very slow so that discarded materials may persist for several years if not decades .
12 Ethnicity is not , however , always marked by linguistic distinctiveness , Labov 's work with Italian and Jewish speakers in New York City shows that such distinctiveness may persist for several generations , or conversely may disappear with the first generation of native-born speakers who nevertheless maintain a strong sense of ethnicity ( Labov 1972b : 281 ) .
13 Polygyny , often combined with a degree of polyandry ( as each female may mate with several males ) , is the commonest breeding system , being found in most arthropods , fish , amphibians , reptiles and mammals .
14 Such personations may operate at several levels , so that the speaker may create a persona for another individual who is talked about , while at the same time animating several personas which represent him or her self .
15 The pathogenesis of the calculi found in patients with primary sclerosing cholangitis may depend on several factors .
16 Any single individual may belong to several of these , but the forms of oppression , as of resistance or change , may not only overlap but may also differ or even conflict .
17 A customer may buy from several competitors in a given field ; a supplier will invariably supply to more than one business and yet , depending on the facts , the employer may be able to argue that these connections are sufficiently special .
18 Second , even if nuclear families do inhabit separate houses , they may be part of a joint family : ‘ A joint family may consist of several branches living as separate households in different residences but pooling their incomes , all the major decisions relating to finance , ceremony performances and marriages , etc. being taken jointly ’ ( Anwar , 1979 , p. 55 ) .
19 The ZNF gene family may consist of several hundred members in the human genome ( 8,9 ) , and includes examples which have been implicated in the control of cell growth and differentiation ( 10,11 ) .
20 These continuous blasts may last for several hours , and in that time they eject large volumes of ash , which is always new magmatic material , rather than shattered bits and pieces of old rock .
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