Example sentences of "[noun] rather [conj] rely [prep] " in BNC.

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1 By the use of this technique , it will be possible to gain precise information about the nature of reading difficulties at the time of comprehension rather than relying on inferences made from memory performance .
2 Families are to be encouraged to live in their own homes rather than to rely on the state ( in the form of local authorities ) for the provision of council housing .
3 communications , where people prefer formal communication from the department rather than relying on the ‘ grapevine ’ ;
4 However , the court agreed with the views expressed obiter by another division of the court in the case of Emerson ( 1990 ) 92 Cr.App.R. 284 ; where a transcript was provided it was merely a means of presenting the exhibit , which was the tape itself , to the court : if the jury wished to hear the tape rather than rely on the written transcript , there was no proper reason why they should not be allowed to do so .
5 The Public Service Ideal does not assume , against all the evidence , that a free market will necessarily produce political access , variety , and debate ; it insists upon mechanisms which aim directly at these goals rather than relying upon their being achieved as the accidental by-products of mechanisms whose primary function is to achieve quite different goals such as commercial profitability or proprietorial self-indulgence .
6 O. M. Honoré pointed out that even if an ( informal ) arbitration concluded in my favour , if I later become convinced that my original claim was mistaken I should acknowledge the claim of the other litigant rather than rely on the arbitrator 's decision .
7 It is also better if you use an extension microphone rather than rely on the inbuilt one to pick up your words of wisdom .
8 In such a case , the husband will , if possible , wish to be released by the mortgagee from the future liability under the mortgage rather than rely upon an indemnity from the wife , and although the mortgagee should be aware of the proceedings between the parties by virtue of the notification required to be made to it under r2.59(4) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 ( see p3 ) , a formal application will doubtless have to be made by the husband for a release .
9 Saturday might begin by dividing the participants into small groups of three or four , each composed of people from different communities so that everybody will be encouraged to work together as a team rather than rely on ‘ traditional ’ dominant group-leaders .
10 The non-availability of this defence at common law is one of the reasons why local authorities , having decided to take action in the High Court , in order to secure an injunction requiring the cessation of the odour , often prefer to bring an action in respect of a public nuisance rather than rely on s.100 of the Public Health Act 1936 where it is uncertain whether or not the defence of best practicable means is available .
11 I 'd urge you to buy the MS-DOS 5 upgrade rather than rely on MS-DOS 2.11 or 3.3 .
12 As we shall see in the following chapter , mechanization has not been the only process responsible for this , but by enabling the farmer to de-bureaucratize his farm and place greater emphasis on developing the personal loyalty of his workforce rather than relying upon regulations and sanctions , it has been an important contributory factor .
13 In the twentieth century increasingly it has become possible for older people who have withdrawn from the labour market to support themselves from resources provided by the state rather than rely on their families ; the same has not been true of the youngest generation .
14 In response to parliamentary questions , demanding that the government introduce their own bill rather than relying on private members ' initiatives , the Home Office made its familiar position clear : ‘ We strongly support the proposed Bill … but do not see how it is possible for the Government to undertake legislation . ’
15 New Historicism opens the possibility of a critical analysis of a text which attends to its cultural substance rather than relying on reductive formulas to account for text and context .
16 John Edmonds , a confidant of Neil Kinnock , said the party needed to talk to potential members rather than rely on advertisements and mail shots .
17 A proper matching of these liabilities is known as a back to back arrangement , and the best way of dealing with this issue is to negotiate a full back to back subcontract rather than rely on standard conditions .
18 Any claim should be settled or repudiated on the basis of a reasoned decision , taking into account concrete evidence obtained first hand rather than relying on purely comment and observations .
19 Fund-holding GPs in the first year were less afraid to switch contracts to better units or consultants , could make more flexible contracts , demand more attention , and use their funds to encourage consultants to come to the surgery rather than rely on patients to go to outpatients in the hospital .
20 Technological change in agriculture has increased the importance of obtaining the loyalty of the farm worker rather than relying upon a disciplined and authoritarian regime .
21 They normally feature a convector heat exchanger rather than relying on heat simply to be radiated from glowing ceramic coals/logs .
22 However , it is the job of the draftsman to produce certainty for his client rather than to rely on general legal principles .
23 Private borrowing is likely to rise by the same amount and may rise by even more if the privatised company is able to borrow freely from the market rather than relying on the government .
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