Example sentences of "[noun] while i [be] trying " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Why do n't you fix us both a drink while I 'm trying to find the answer to the problem ? ’ he added , stripping off his tie and undoing the top buttons of his shirt .
2 Gerald said : ‘ I suppose somebody could have been in there doing the old man while I was trying to get in .
3 Gerald , pretending to a savoir faire he did not possess ; ‘ I suppose somebody could have been in there doing the old man while I was trying to get in … ’
4 The Seychelles kestrel had so far eluded me , but I met an English birder while I was trying again to photograph waders in the harbour of Victoria , and he told me a pair had nested in one of the church towers in the town .
5 ‘ All this , ’ he adds , ‘ apropos of the drunken caterwauling in the kitchen from J and his cronies while I am trying to read Gide 's Journal on a Saturday evening . ’
6 In the Post Office while I was trying to phone Prague , Irena was getting free phone calls in exchange for correcting a German text for the manager , and when we went to a bookshop she had a friend who sold her books at half price .
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