Example sentences of "[noun] as late [subord] the " in BNC.

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1 All the difficulties with ‘ wet white ’ were eliminated in Birmingham where there was an obscure ruling that bare legs were banned ( this remained in force as late as the 1950s ) , so when playing there they were given cotton tights but had to put a penny at the side , wrap a piece of string round it and the tights in order to hold them up .
2 The last-named gave to the Hospitallers land in Stalisfield and Oare close to Faversham in Kent ; and a descendant of the same name held a manor at Ospring , which was known as Cade 's manor as late as the eighteenth century .
3 But a dark undercurrent of hostility to sexuality and marriage became interwoven with the more benign attitudes towards the body and sexuality current as late as the second century .
4 Variant weapons included the guisarme or fauchard , which persisted in many forms as late as the seventeenth century , and inflicted such horrible wounds that attempts were made to have it banned during the medieval period .
5 Irvine 's Society of Archers was in existence as late as the 1850s but for some reason unknown the papingo shoot appears to have ended as early as 1721 .
6 Those who were now beginning to pay lay subsidies might think about that wealth and this statute , particularly about its words contrasting the defence of the realm with the endowment of the church — words which were to be echoed by Wyclif in the 1370s and in a royal grant as late as the 1440s .
7 There was a great debate as late as the early 1980s over whether it would be more appropriate to continue the policy set by Sir Philip Hendy of keeping the look of the gallery neutral as opposed to polychrome — the ‘ porridge versus polychrome ’ battle .
8 This system was still in use in western Europe as late as the sixteenth century !
9 A second-century cremation cemetery has been uncovered south of the defended area in Swan Street ; it was claimed to have been receiving additional burials as late as the third and fourth centuries , when it must have lain within the built-up area .
10 From the Templars ' use of the Atbash Cipher , it is probable that some form of Nazarean or neo-Nazarean sect had continued to survive in the Middle East as late as the twelfth century , and had made its teachings available to the West .
11 Davis has noted the unease as late as the mid-1820s of some members of the committee of the Anti-Slavery Society over Cropper 's desire to see public meetings addressed by travelling agents because of the association of such methods with other , divisive reform causes .
12 There is even evidence to suggest that elephants existed as far as the Upper Euphrates basin as late as the first millennium B.C. Syrian ivory contributed to the supplies available to New Kingdom Egypt and at the same time provided the material for the flourishing school of ivory workers based on Tyre , the products of which enriched the civilizations of the east Mediterranean and Assyria .
13 Rivers , by all accounts no fool , apparently still expected co-operation from Gloucester as late as the end of April .
14 Rivers , by all accounts no fool , apparently still expected co-operation from Gloucester as late as the end of April .
15 With the Turks at the gates of Vienna as late as the seventeenth century , it is not surprising that Bohemia came to be half-forgotten by Western Europe .
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