Example sentences of "[noun] it [modal v] lead to " in BNC.

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1 For both readers it might lead to topics ( quotes , facts , ideas ) of a wider interest than the task in hand ( e.g. " looking for information on Unemployment in the 1930s " ) , This skimming should be done very quickly ( a few seconds per average page ) .
2 President Gorbachev and other Politburo members have angrily , and at times desperately , appealed against such a move , for fear it would lead to a breakup of the Soviet Communist Party and , ultimately , of the Soviet Union .
3 Although the limited pasture larval contamination will serve to boost the immunity of vaccinated calves it can lead to clinical disease in susceptible animals .
4 The CEGB itself admitted that if a plane weighing over 2.3 tonnes — a five seater light aircraft — struck one of the core buildings of the complex at a critical point it could lead to an ‘ uncontrolled release of radioactivity ’ .
5 Where the licensee holds a residential or restaurant licence it can lead to disqualification of the licensee .
6 But General Milan Gvero , deputy commander of the Bosnian Serb forces , has attacked any plan for an airdrop warning it would lead to ‘ the massive use of military force ’ and escalation of war .
7 Thank God that we do have regional diversity and differences , but if we are not careful , if we pursue regionalist policies it will lead to a break-up of England .
8 Students who obtained a C1 Certificate and who did not wish to enter employment immediately should be able to undertake further studies ; in some instances , this might be a Diploma in Art and Design course , but in most cases it would lead to a Higher Certificate of the validating body .
9 If he , Paul Arkwright , could make his own name again in this way it might lead to even better things than a University chair .
10 The presence of an attachment figure is considered to be vital to the emotional and social survival of the individual , and when attachments are threatened or removed in any way it can lead to intense forms of attachment behaviour , such as clinging , crying and extreme grief .
11 In others it may lead to depression .
12 If this were to inhibit credit expansion it could lead to lower interest rates .
13 As Hannah Arendt has shown , in times of crisis the existence of a formless mass can become the basis for a totalitarian dictatorship ; in times of prosperity it can lead to an all-encompassing smugness and self-satisfaction and to the existence of a regime which knows no criticism , no control and , above all , no real opposition and thus no arguments which contain alternatives .
14 If the firm can expand its production it will lead to a reduction in average cost and hence a reduction in price , not only in the overseas market but also in the home market , which may lead to further domestic market expansion .
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