Example sentences of "[noun] it [be] clear [that] " in BNC.

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1 But by the time they both reached her bedroom it was clear that , whatever her first reaction , Mrs Browning was now in a world of her own .
2 For instance , from the very inception of the Copernican programme it was clear that adequate mathematical techniques for manipulating epicyclic motions , improved techniques for astronomical observations and adequate theories governing the use of a variety of instruments were necessary for the elaboration and detailed application of the programme .
3 From the form of the Schwarzschild metric equation it is clear that the factor is an important measure of the effect of mass on the curvature of space–time .
4 From the last equation it is clear that strain is maximal if the optical paths are , which for radiation of 1 kHz would be 150 km .
5 Lord Mayor it is clear that this country can not sustain the present numbers of applicants seeking asylum .
6 From the research it 's clear that there is n't one golden road to these sorts of things .
7 From this research it was clear that Thoresby Hall , properly displayed , could have been an altogether exceptional and highly interesting document of the taste of the time .
8 Certainly in this study it was clear that there were farmers who did not have the necessary time to do the job fully .
9 Similarly , in the need for institutional change study it was clear that need for change has two distinct components : the deficiency level of some institutional subsystem , and its importance to the system as a whole .
10 In the face of such concerted action it was clear that the Library Association had to take strong action on behalf of its members who , individually , could have little chance of opposing the ban .
11 Gaelic is Hebrew but no one knew this until Pitman invented shorthand and then without the vowels it was clear that Gaelic and Hebrew were the same .
12 Whatever his sins it is clear that a man subject to such fits of remorse would have been well aware that a crusade was a religious act as well as a great military adventure .
13 From paintings like ‘ The Peasant Boy ’ in the Tate Gallery it is clear that Modigliani did not patronize or talk down to his models .
14 Without entering into the fine detail of what is required for a system of institutional international law it is clear that merely historically-established conventions followed according to the discretion of the participants in international relationships between states is insufficient to constitute law and is better regarded as a form of anarchy .
15 If by established principles of English law it is clear that Derbyshire County Council has the right to sue for libel then this court must say so and let the action proceed .
16 By early February it was clear that the skilled engineers had retreated from demands for peace negotiations into a narrowly sectional defence of their exemption from conscription .
17 However , from evidence submitted by McLoskey Coal Information Services and the British Association of Colliery Management it is clear that orimulsion , the fuel from Colombia , has a higher sulphur content than British coal .
18 Our God is a communicator ; we see that in a supreme way in His gift of Jesus — but in this passage it is clear that God wanted to make sure that everyone in the land could understand the seriousness of the problem .
19 By December it was clear that nothing would happen .
20 When the campaign opened , it was not immediately obvious which particular issues the parties would choose to stress ; but by the middle of the campaign it was clear that the Conservatives were focusing on defence issues where their policy was so much more popular than Labour 's , if only because it seemed so much simpler to explain .
21 When , however , one examines Oakeshott 's political writing in the context of his philosophical work it is clear that his notion of tradition is different from that of Burke .
22 Whatever the gender of the person doing the caring it is clear that community care is a policy which is based upon the assumption that there is a pool of willing and able family members prepared to accept the role of ‘ informal carer ’ .
23 From notes of the meeting and subsequent correspondence it is clear that Jacques was unequivocal in his view that the LEA evening institutes could develop as the ‘ natural home for adult education activity ’ and he wished the District 's Chapter III courses to be accommodated wherever appropriate within the LEA 's existing institutions .
24 From Jacob 's correspondence it is clear that he knew little of Modigliani 's life in the last years .
25 As to the first question it is clear that views as to the availability and scope of certiorari together with its actual use have varied from time to time .
26 Roo Management wanted to put these rooms to intensive use throughout the day and in these circumstances it was clear that the contents could not remain .
27 Notwithstanding the reservations of Glynn and Oxborrow it is clear that population growth rates were less than one third of their nineteenth century peaks and the fact is that there was a substantial loss of population from the old industrial areas to the new ones .
28 In the case-studies of 15 boards it was clear that half had made significant progress .
29 With hindsight it is clear that left-wing opponents planned to disrupt the meeting , for over 1,000 anti-fascists were involved in a counter-demonstration and in the systematic attempts to wreck the occasion .
30 It is also true that Kilvert had no gift for self-analysis , and further that the diary was impoverished by his widow 's removal from it of the volumes which apparently described not only their courtship and marriage , but the two most profound of Kilvert 's previous affairs of the heart ; though she left the frequent passages describing Kilvert 's passionate attachments to young girls , whose fundamentally erotic nature it is clear that neither she nor Kilvert himself recognized .
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