Example sentences of "[noun] is [adv] greater than " in BNC.

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1 Technically because 1 granule is only diluted in 5ml of water and alcohol the ‘ strength ’ of the remedy is much greater than Hahnemann expected patients to be able to withstand .
2 The unification of the mind is far greater than the resolving of the dichotomy alone .
3 The reluctance of this government to introduce legislation only strengthens my belief that the scale of the Maxwellian type fraud is far greater than any of us ever imagined .
4 The strength of the electromagnetic interaction is much larger than that of a weak interaction , and the range of the electromagnetic force is much greater than that of the weak force .
5 There are also studies from Malaysia , which are illustrative of the effects of logging practices in tropical regions in general , which show that the destructive effect is far greater than just the removal of trees .
6 The maximum depth of 230 m is considerably greater than the seas surrounding our shores , and of all British lakes , Loch Ness is second in depth only to Loch Morar , at 310 m .
7 Notable among these is the fact that the mismatch of range is even greater than in the case of the prenominal adjectives ; it is true that one can usually expand a postnominal adjective to a relative clause containing be , though we should certainly note cases like : ( 31 ) he is dreaming of the whisky which will be galore with her arms which were akimbo she stared at Victor food which is aplenty is on sale in the end tent however , there is not the slightest difficulty about producing numerous examples where the relative clause with be is fully satisfactory but can not be reduced to a grammatical postnominal adjective .
8 It is a naked-eye object , and binoculars show it excellently ; its actual surface brightness is much greater than that of the Small Cloud .
9 Talking to women who have been there , or face the possibility of being sent there , you find that the fear of being put in the specials is far greater than the fear of imprisonment .
10 The distinction is important because with a typical rectifier circuit with reservoir capacitor ( Fig 1 ) , the d.c. output voltage is significantly greater than the a.c .
11 Module issue is not greater than the latest in LIFESPAN : X
12 But the number of students per school in the state sector is considerably greater than in the private sector .
13 ACCORDING to the most recent figures available , the number of people coming to live in Northern Ireland is now greater than the number leaving these shores .
14 If you prefer the individual icons to be displayed but there is not enough room on screen , remember that the Windows desktop is far greater than the size of the screen .
15 The length difference is much greater than allophonic length differences in RP and is easily audible .
16 Whatever people might think about DHSS money , what it has meant in practice is that the global sum of money to help provide for the needs of people with dementia or other long-term needs is much greater than it would have been if they were not attracting DHSS supplementation .
17 And at the same time the income divide between the top twenty percent of men and the bottom twenty percent is now greater than it were hundred years ago .
18 The potential of joy is vastly greater than our capacity to absorb it all .
19 Their relative importance is even greater than the floods of humid , temperate regions , because so little erosion is effected between floods .
20 The second thing is that a child 's fear of failure is probably greater than you think .
21 Tha that 's a pretty simple sort of basis for assessment , but as you 'll see from the map it 's not by no means a consis consistent level and in the areas where we 're erm where where the sites for the most part occur , er the c the level of commuti commuting is much greater than it is er outside those areas .
22 In fact the number of possibilities is even greater than this , for one could also express it as
23 Commenting on Gladstone 's support for the scheme , the News of the World said : " picking up type is not the same thing as picking up needles and stitches : the mental and physical labour demanded in the compositors " room is infinitely greater than anything that has yet been required of women " .
24 And the pressure of natural selection on the cuckoo is considerably greater than that on the host species .
25 It is important to emphasise that the impact of the Teacher Placement Service is far greater than the sum of teachers taking placement , as evaluative returns and case study evidence consistently point to the experience as a stimulus for change and the development of partnership activities .
26 The total energy which has to be used up in producing a real fracture surface is therefore greater than G and is known as the ‘ work of fracture ’ , W , such that , Although W is always considerably bigger than G , its actual magnitude varies very greatly between different materials .
27 The number on the register is far greater than the number formerly liable for domestic rates — one reason for the introduction of the new system — and it is correspondingly more difficult to prevent non-registration and evasion .
28 A plan consists of time , resources and indicated action but the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts .
29 The diversity and volume of silver bearing his mark is far greater than can have emerged from a single workshop and it has been generally acknowledged , after a century dominated by the concept of the maker 's mark , that De Lamerie , in common with many other goldsmiths registering marks at Goldsmiths ' Hall , not only fulfilled orders with other goldsmiths ' wares but also subcontracted orders to a range of London workshops , although striking the finished wares with his own punch .
30 The United Kingdom is far greater than the sum of its parts .
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