Example sentences of "[noun] it be obvious [that] " in BNC.

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1 On reaching the entrance it was obvious that there was no safe way into the harbour so the coxswain was forced to continue along the coast to Burnmouth .
2 Within three months it was obvious that , given the opportunity , these children could be very bright .
3 Within three months it was obvious that , given the opportunity , these children could be very bright .
4 With augmentation it is obvious that the quicker-moving parts will end before the augmentation .
5 In the circumstances it is obvious that it was up to me to present them first .
6 From the moment it was obvious that the Schlieffen Plan had failed and that Imperial Germany was not to sweep through to Paris in a brief , punitive , conflict , the Great War became one of grinding attrition .
7 Now if you 're talking about filling the seats it 's obvious that the people in Harlow like that type of thing so why do n't we have more of it . .
8 With the wisdom of hindsight it 's obvious that Mark Ring , who in his Pontypool days looked as if he might be the answer to all our no.10 prayers , was unfit and a liability in the match against Australia .
9 Within days it was obvious that the extent of the dissolution was every bit as great as I had at first suspected .
10 From his later writings it is obvious that he was quite fascinated by the entire operation and its execution .
11 At this point it was obvious that there were some shortcomings in the manner of carrying out the analysis , but these were due to the research nature of the project and the consequent inexperience of the project team .
12 From watching raindrops , bubbles and insects walking on ponds it is obvious that water and other liquids have a surface tension .
13 At the time Ho was discouraging thoughts of instant insurrection on the part of the Vietminh it was obvious that as far as French fortunes were concerned the wind had changed .
14 He had n't noticed before just how thin she was , and that night it was obvious that her maid had been over-generous with the rouge-brush .
15 From the audience 's applause it was obvious that most of them agreed , which led me to reflect yet again how this general attitude — exemplified by the average audience for the BBC 's Question Time — has become almost the most familiar political stance of our time .
16 From Gordon Thomas 's evidence to the Royal Commission it is obvious that he had carried out much research into an improved canal , including technical planning , estimates of costs and market studies into the expectations of more traffic .
17 But now this week , from what I put in the paper it 's obvious that we 're traders
18 From the first bars of Mozart 's ‘ Hunt ’ Quartet it was obvious that their effortlessly fluent and natural playing was at the service of artistic integrity .
19 Thus , despite the movement towards a welfare state it is obvious that in the details of people 's lives , in the new housing estates and tower blocks , people have been relieved of the worst of their miseries , encouraged to think rich and live poor , to become in effect the permanent prisoners of someone else 's conception of their happiness .
20 To the town-planners it was obvious that the new boulevard served no purpose .
21 The result was that when Bollaert finally made his speech on 10 September it was obvious that , for all the rhetoric and for all the idealization of the French Union , if it was independence that France was offering , it was so heavily circumscribed as to make it obvious that France had , at most , transferred the Jacobin concept of ‘ the nation one and indivisible ’ to a French Union in which she would still be in a commanding position .
22 Even from where Taff and I were on the road it was obvious that the dead soldiers were German .
23 From previous experience it was obvious that , on the one hand , not all alternatives in adult education were necessarily radical .
24 By poking about with a dissecting needle it was obvious that these little threads were very strong , exactly how strong it was difficult to say ( Plate 12 ) .
25 However , as there are only six notes in the system it is obvious that in four-part harmony without octave doublings only two notes can remain unused in each chord , and in five-part harmony only one note ; in six-part harmony all notes are used in each chord , even though the registers change .
26 Despite the fact that Richard and his elder brother had performed homage to Louis VII for their lands it was obvious that their father had in no way relinquished control .
27 By referring back to the earlier documents it was obvious that Coopers had agreed with Peats and disagreed with Deloittes .
28 In the net it was obvious that it was only a small double which took the scales round to 12lb 12oz ; never mind it was about to become a film star , like it or not .
29 From the foregoing discussion it is obvious that , as things currently stand , any person attempting to recover damages from an insider will , under s.62 as amended , face enormous difficulties in proving not only that a breach of the relevant insider dealing rule has actually occurred , but also that he has suffered a loss as a result of it .
30 At the same time it is obvious that full enforcement of the law would be totally impractical .
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