Example sentences of "[noun] it be assume [that] " in BNC.

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1 At low levels of arousal it is assumed that attention is divided among many cues so there will potentially be some memory for all cues .
2 In other words it is assumed that the difficulty of the item will be the same for any individual irrespective of his or her previous learning experiences etc .
3 In the United States it is assumed that citizens have the right to know and it is up to the government to prove in court that certain types of information should not be disclosed .
4 In other academic areas it is assumed that the teacher knows more than the student , and is there to convey this knowledge , whether as a corpus or a skill .
5 In most of the early work on quantity constrained models it was assumed that any observed general unemployment had to be either classical or Keynesian but not both at the same time .
6 In early ethnic models of settlement origin it was assumed that this was a Celtic pattern of settlement , but could it be that this pattern in fact represents the oldest arrangements in the landscape ?
7 In the special theory of relativity it is assumed that a single inertial frame can be applied to the whole Universe , but at the cost of neglecting acceleration !
8 NOTE : In this article it is assumed that your machine has a hard disk called C : and MS-DOS is stored in a directory C : \DOS .
9 Birds respond to a wide range of sounds but for many years it was assumed that their low-frequency hearing was poorer than ours .
10 For years it was assumed that the bear of Croisset broke out of his bearishness solely with Louise Colet — ‘ the only sentimental episode of any importance in the life of Flaubert , ’ Emile Faguet declared .
11 Only the unmarried mother was given specific mention ; for the rest it was assumed that women would follow their husbands .
12 In economic models of bureaucratic behaviour it is assumed that economic incentives and constraints are what count , rather than the moral or intellectual qualities of public servants ( Niskanen 1973 ) .
13 In Albert v. Lavin it was assumed that the defendant was guilty of assaulting in the execution of his duty an off-duty policeman who was seeking to prevent a breach of the peace .
14 If you die leaving £347,000 to your wife it is assumed that she still has it when she dies , so £200,000 is taxable then .
15 We should also note that it is based on certain assumptions , for example it is assumed that those who have some reason to form a pressure group will , in an open society , do so , and that the degree of governmental response will depend on the degree of pressure the group is able to exert , and that this is directly related to the group 's importance to the community .
16 For simplicity it is assumed that tastes and income are identical between residents , and therefore , once again , this is a ‘ representative individual ’ for the locality .
17 Within the cone of vision it is assumed that all lines and planes parallel to the picture plane are true to scale .
18 For the present it is assumed that the N ( No ) option is selected .
19 In addition it was assumed that if there were insufficient jobs in Britain , other economies , such as those of America and Australia , were waiting for labour for their own development .
20 In addition it was assumed that the Soviets could reinforce their front line much more rapidly than their opponents .
21 Although there is only a single Doom Diver model it is assumed that there is an infinite supply of would-be Doom Divers ready and waiting to be thrown into the air .
22 In Green and Porter 's model it is assumed that a firm 's choice of output can not be observed by another firm , and the sum of all outputs determines market price according to a demand function which is subject to unobservable random shocks .
23 In this initial presentation of the passive rifting model it was assumed that the amount of extension was uniform throughout the lithosphere ( Fig. 4.1 7(A) ) .
24 Instead of assuming that their development progresses along a smooth and unproblematic path it is assumed that there have to be mechanisms and policies to overcome constantly recurring disequilibria and attempts to gain some sort of balance ( for example , between agriculture and industry ; between the amounts available for consumption and for investment in new capital ; between money and financial capital on one hand and production on the other ; and , especially , between capital and labour ) .
25 On an equilibrium path it is assumed that both capital and labour are fully employed .
26 As beta values were also randomly assigned to portfolios it was assumed that in each case the average beta value would approach unity .
27 In the former illustration it is assumed that the replacement vehicles will simply provide a similar service to those vehicles presently operated .
28 For nearly a century it was assumed that the primitive vertebrate armour consisted of scales and small polygonal bony plates .
29 For the avoidance of doubt it is assumed that a church building presently exists on land owned by the church and that adjacent to that site is land that could be developed .
30 Before the fascinating high-fibre research findings it was assumed that weight loss depended entirely on the number of calories consumed compared with the number expended by the body .
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