Example sentences of "[noun] in scotland over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Seona Reid , director of the SAC , said that priorities had been identified for the development of the arts in Scotland over the next three to four years .
2 He wants the findings and recommendations of the Commission for Local Authority Accounts in Scotland over a special report on the Western Isles Council and BCCI set aside in an action for judicial review that went before Lord Prosser yesterday .
3 Reports I read in the national press suggest that retail sales are not improving , and that has certainly been borne out by our experience in Scotland over the last few weeks .
4 A team at the university 's dermatology department examined all the 1,354 men and 2,459 women diagnosed with melanoma in Scotland over the period .
5 What is being suggested is a softening of the hard line taken by the Tories in Scotland over the past five years in the use of political patronage .
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